woman picking up trash on the beach

How to find the balance in living sustainably

Nov. 19, 2021

Like many things in life, sustainability can be a spectrum. The list of things that all of us can do in order to help the planet is endless; we must all find the balance in our own lives with what we are able to sacrifice for the greater good. Only...

family members talking at dinner

Talking to relatives about zero waste

Nov. 19, 2021

Fall break is finally here. Many of us are probably planning to travel home for the holidays and may face the difficult task of teaching our relatives about the zero waste ideologies that we have grown to love here at CU. This is a very tricky topic to bring up...

flower planter made from ecobricks

Ecobricking: pack your plastic!

Nov. 16, 2021

Plastic production is a huge problem, and it is increasing exponentially - by 448 million tons since 2015 (nationalgeographic.com). In a world that produces so much plastic, it is nearly impossible to avoid having unrecyclable plastics in our homes, no matter how hard we try to go plastic-free. Don’t worry,...

campus parking

Discover the savings and freedom of Carshare

Nov. 5, 2021

Owning and maintaining a car can be a hefty expense for college students who are already paying for tuition and additional living expenses. Transportation Services at CU offers a wide range of options around campus, including buses, electric bikes and now e-scooters. However, sometimes students want to venture beyond what...

girl crossing street with justice sign

Why is racial justice a climate justice issue?

Nov. 5, 2021

You may have heard the term eco-social justice, or phrases such as “racial justice is climate justice” and “there is no climate justice without racial justice.” But what exactly do people mean when they use this language?


Environmentalism in the media

Nov. 4, 2021

Take a look back at environmentalist heroes and villians depicted in the past.

jar with scoby forming

Biomaterials: what is SCOBY leather?

Nov. 4, 2021

SCOBY -- symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast -- could transform the leather industry.

large mushrooms in nature

Plastic eating mushrooms: a viable solution to plastic decomposition

Nov. 4, 2021

The Pestalotiopsis genus of fungi is capable of degrading certain forms of plastic, making it a viable solution to eliminate some plastics from landfills.

earthship house in New Mexico

Earthships: the zero waste, off-the-grid and sustainable homes of the future

Oct. 20, 2021

Imagine this. You’ve taken a wrong turn off U.S. Route 64 in northern New Mexico and suddenly find yourself on what seems to be an alien planet - a grouping of strange, organically shaped buildings located in the middle of nowhere. The buildings are low to the ground, horseshoe-shaped and...

meat growing in a lab dish

Lab grown meat: an emerging industry

Oct. 20, 2021

Lab grown meat sounds like a concept for the distant future, but with modern technology, it is closer than ever to being on your dinner table. Lab grown meat , or cultured meat, is produced when stem cells from an animal are taken and grown in vitro or in a...
