CU recycling truck

The impact of recycling on climate change

Dec. 15, 2023

When considering climate change mitigation and reducing your carbon footprint, you probably think of driving less and turning out the lights. But did you know that organic and inorganic waste is also a massive contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions? A zero-waste lifestyle keeps material out of landfills and reduces...

person sewing clothes

Take a step towards sustainable fashion

April 19, 2023

Join the sustainable fashion movement and break free from the fast fashion industry at the Environmental Center's upcoming Drop and Swap event, while also finding community and support along the way.

clothes on a rack

Winter closet clean out

Nov. 7, 2022

As the cold weather creeps into Boulder, you’ll soon turn to sweaters, cardigans, and crewnecks. Those are some bulky clothing items, and your closet may be cramped for space, which makes this the perfect time to slim down your wardrobe and the pieces you have in your closet. Here are a few tips and tricks on cleaning your closet and getting ready for winter!