Chantal Baca headshot
Academic Services Program Manager • Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

ECCE 110

Haŋ Mitákuyepi! (Hello)! My name is Chantal Baca born and raised in Denver, Colorado. I'm a proud first-generation college graduate, professional, and educator. As a descendant of Pueblo Nation (Diné/Hopi/Taos), Lakota, and Mexican-American Heritages, Indigenous representation is a core value of mine and how centralize leadership in my everyday life. At the University of Colorado Boulder, I manage and lead the Academic Services program for The BOLD Center. As such, I lead efforts to increase academic student support and success initiatives in partnership with College of Engineering and Applied Science by managing high-level academic services operations, engineering management, tutoring services, and assess complex student user data on multtiple platforms. As a result, my role strategically leads the implementation process of academic intervention initiatives and results in supportive and effective strategies to provide an enriched student experience for undergraduates pursuing engineering education.  

What I love most about working in The BOLD Center is the opportunity to enhance, design, and collaborate on academic services to support STEM students through their college journey, creative learning processes, problem-solving skills, and overall professional development. The BOLD Center community centers equity and inclusion in a people-centered environment, and I'm intentional about positively impacting our learning community. I can offer space to connect, engineering tutoring resources, and STEM based advisement on academic strategies, organizational management, and problem solving techniques.

Service & Recognition

Elected At-Large Staff Council Representative, Boulder Campus Staff Council Governance (BCSC) 2020-2023 

Impactful Service Badge, Staff Council at University of Colorado Boulder 2022-2023 Forward

PI Site Coordinator, CSU Rocky Mountain Alliance for Minority Participation 2022-2023 Forward 

Strategic Alignment Committee, Budget Model Redesign Governance 2021-2022

Employee of the Month, College of Engineering and Applied Science 2022

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