Getting Started

  • Identify purpose of resume, i.e. internship, job, or graduate school
  • Familiarize yourself with the job description and/or school program. Write down or highlight key words from the qualifications and preferred qualifications sections that match your skills set
  • Plan on a one-page resume; no smaller than 10- to 11-point font; .5-inch margins


  • Name in bold in 18- to 20-point font
  • Need only one address (optional)
  • Professional email, i.e.
  • Phone number connected to professional voicemail and no playback ringtones
  • LinkedIn and/or website URL (optional)


  • List most recent degree in progress first; bold degree and include emphasis and minor, if applicable
  • DO NOT include high school (unless you are in your first year of college)
  • Include cumulative GPA (you can also list your Major GPA. If you have a lower GPA, and your GPA has improved, you can state your GPA, then include a bullet that says: maintained (improved GPA number) for past (# of) semesters
  • Relevant coursework subsection (optional) – List only courses requested in the position description or courses unique to your major
  • Certifications can be listed in your education section or listed in its own section

Technical Skills

  • List programming skills: Linux, C++, Matlab, Simulink, Mathematica, VBA, Microsoft Excel, Bluebeam, AutoCAD, REVIT, EPANET, Java, Python, Flash, ImageJ
  • Software: PSpice, Electronic Workbench, Verilog
  • Lab techniques
  • Machine shop skills: soldering

Relevant Experience

  • List unpaid or paid related to desired position, i.e. internships, projects, labs, class projects, research
  • List project/internship/job title in bold (starting with most recent experience)
  • List organization name with city, state
  • Include dates (month/year-month/year)
  • Create 3-6 bullet points for each experience that illustrate accomplishments (no period recommended)
  • Bullet formula: action verb + task + result/accomplishment, i.e. Developed Matlab model of enzyme kinetics in the bloodstream, which led to groundbreaking research in studying drug propagation within body

Leadership Experience

  • List title and organization name, i.e. president, Society for Women Engineers
  • Same guidelines as relevant experience

Professional Memberships/Affiliations

  • List organization name, city, state, month/year-month/year

Language Skills

  • List proficient languages; indicate proficiency level