Published: Sept. 11, 2023

“People ask me, 'Don't you ever run out of ideas?' Well, in the first place, I don't use ideas. Every time I have an idea, it's too limiting and usually turns out to be a disappointment. But I haven't run out of curiosity.”

- Robert Rauschenberg  

Curiosity is the lifeblood of creativity and critical problem-solving. It activates, pursues, grows, empowers, challenges, changes, inspires, strengthens, and builds. Most importantly, curiosity helps us survive.

What makes you curious? What has your curiosity shown you? How has curiosity driven you? How will you harness curiosity to support you? ...your ENVD goals? Who do you need to be to be curious?  

As you consider these questions, spend some time reviewing the linked articles below. These resources provide various frameworks for reflecting actively on your relationship with time and the impact this relationship has on day-to-day experiences while also outlining effective time management strategies that you can harness to support your success.  

Harvard Business Review: Cultivate Curiosity  

Forbes: Five Ways to Cultivate Curiosity and Tap into Your Creativity   

Big Think: Want to be more curious? Experts recommend these 5 habits  

Medium: Cultivating Curiosity — Three Ingredients to a More Curious Mind  

Psychology Today: Cultivating Curiosity  

Fast Company: How (and why) to train your brain to be more curious at work