

April 25, 2023

Resilience (n.): the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

Bryan Martino, B.EnvD '22

ENVD winter 2022 graduate receives Fulbright Scholarship

April 25, 2023

Bryan Martino, a winter 2023 graduate who earned double degrees in environmental design and ecology and evolutionary biology, was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue his master's degree in integrative technologies and architectural design research at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Students collaborating in studio

Now hiring fall 2023 undergraduate teaching assistants

April 25, 2023

Interested in becoming an undergraduate TA in Environmental Design? Environmental Design offers undergraduate students the opportunity to work with faculty and build lifelong experiences and skills through educational leadership and mentoring.

Ainsley Watkins

Ainsley Watkins

April 19, 2023

For Ainsley Watkins the hands-on problem solving and material studies was appealing and helped solidify her choice in product design.

Andrew Song

Andrew Song

April 19, 2023

Andrew Song has always loved creating and loves being in a creatively enriched environment.

Ainsley McElwee

Ainsley McElwee

April 18, 2023

Ainsley McElwee, a sustainable planning and urban design major from Excelsior Springs, Missouri, will graduate with minors in business and geography.

Kaylor Chott

Kaylor Chott

April 18, 2023

Kaylor Chott will earn a B.EnvD specializing in architecture with a minor in business. After graduation, Chott plans to travel the world and start a career as a design and landscape architect.

Juliana Minerbo

Juliana Minerbo

April 18, 2023

Juliana Minerbo, an architecture major from Brazil, plans to work for an architecture firm in Brazil after graduation.

Aden Dravenstott

Aden Dravenstott

April 18, 2023

Aden Dravenstott will graduate from CU Boulder with a major in sustainable planning & urban design with a minors in geography and Spanish.

Bryan Martino

Bryan Martino

April 18, 2023

Bryan Martino earned a double major in architecture and ecology and evolutionary biology. Martino won a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue his masters degree in Integrative and Architectural Design Research at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
