Program Leadership

Alea Richmond, 2018.
Alea Richmond Akins
Director of Undergraduate Education & Student Success
Undergraduate Education & Student Success • Program Leadership
Neal Evers, 2019
Neal Evers
Associate Director of Undergraduate Education • Associate Teaching Professor
Architecture • Program Leadership • Undergraduate Education & Student Success
Anna Parsons
Anna Parsons
Director of Finance & Human Resources
Finance & HR • Program Leadership
Amanda Pyers, 2023
Amanda Pyers
Director of Operations
Operations • Program Leadership
Stacey Schulte, 2024.
Stacey Schulte
Director • Teaching Professor
Program Leadership • Sustainable Planning & Urban Design

Undergraduate Education & Student Success

Alea Richmond, 2018.
Alea Richmond Akins
Director of Undergraduate Education & Student Success
Undergraduate Education & Student Success • Program Leadership
Majed Alghamdi
Majed Alghamdi
First Year Academic Advisor
Undergraduate Education & Student Success
Caitlin Anderson
Caitlin Anderson
Course Scheduling and Curriculum Coordinator
Undergraduate Education & Student Success
Hugo Arreola
Hugo Arreola
Recruitment & Diverse Scholars Coordinator
Undergraduate Education & Student Success
Bianca Delgado-Corchado
Bianca Delgado-Corchado
Professional Academic Advisor
Undergraduate Education & Student Success
Neal Evers, 2019
Neal Evers
Associate Director of Undergraduate Education • Associate Teaching Professor
Architecture • Program Leadership • Undergraduate Education & Student Success
Sara Freix
Sara Freix
Academic Coach
Undergraduate Education & Student Success
Nathan Jones, 2018.
Nate Jones
Assistant Director of Advising & Professional Development • Lecturer
Undergraduate Education & Student Success
John Tran
John Tran
Assistant Director of Advising & Student Retention
Undergraduate Education & Student Success

Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)

Melissa Bottiglio
Melissa Bottiglio
Assistant Director of the Embedded Program • Embedded Therapist at Environmental Design
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)


Sierra Brown
Sierra Brown
Marketing and Communications Writer & Content Coordinator
Kiera Cudmore
Kiera Cudmore
Creative Labs Center Coordinator
Sean Cunningham
Sean Cunningham
Creative Labs Center Manager
Allyson Maturey
Allyson Maturey
Marketing & Communications Manager
Amanda Pyers, 2023
Amanda Pyers
Director of Operations
Operations • Program Leadership
Ashlee Shepler
Ashlae Shepler
Digital Media Center Manager

Finance & HR

Lori Bailey, 2018.
Lori Bailey
Finance Assistant
Finance & HR
Anna Parsons
Anna Parsons
Director of Finance & Human Resources
Finance & HR • Program Leadership