Colorado Magazine

ENVS Assistant Professor, Cassandra Brooks, featured to highlight many honors and awards

Oct. 20, 2022

Cassandra Brooks of environmental studies at CU Boulder is being honored by the Explorers Club and the Society of Women Geographers.

Cassandra Brooks

ENVS Assistant Professor, Cassandra Brooks, NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) recipient

Dr. Brooks was instrumental in the creation of the Ross Sea Marine Protected Area (MPA), and the NSF CAREER award will fund Dr. Brooks' research to investigate whether this MPA is doing its job and conserving the natural and biological resources it aims to protect.

Matthew Burgess

ENVS assistant professor, Matthew Burgess, Honorable Mention for the 2022 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program faculty mentor

Assistant professor, Matthew Burgess has been named as an Honorable Mention for the 2022 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) faculty mentor. His extreme care, guidance, and knowledge was mentioned by the nominating student. Congratulations to Professor Burgess and the other award recipients.

Amanda Carrico

ENVS professor, Amanda Carrico, among those named as a 2022 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awardee

Dr. Carrico and 17 other professors have been awarded the 2021-2022 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award from the CU Boulder Graduate School. Read the full article for information on the award and other 2022 recipients. Congratulations to all of the award recipients!

Sharon Collinge and Amanda Carrico

ENVS Professors earned 2021 Civic Achievement Award at the Campus Sustainability Summit

Congratulations to ENVS professors, Sharon Collinge and Amanda Carrico, who were awarded the the 2021 Civic Achievement Award at the Campus Sustainability Summit on April 21, 2022. The work they are leading at the CU Boulder Center for Sustainable Landscapes and Communities (CSLC) is what earned the pair the award...

Explorers Club

ENVS Professor Cassandra Brooks inducted into the Explorers Club

ENVS Professor Cassandra Brooks is among the 2022 inductees into the Explorers Club. Dr. Brooks' drive to develop a network of marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica has taken her around the world and is why she has been declared as one of the "50 people changing...

Amanda Carrico

ENVS Associate Professor, Amanda Carrico, and colleagues awarded NSF grant to study climate migration in Bangladesh

Associate Professor and and colleagues were awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to conduct research that paints a picture of how rural communities in Bangladesh cope with socio-environmental impacts of disruptions like a pandemic. Congrats! Photo credit from article:

Diane McKnight

Professor Diane McKnight, Receives Title of Distinguished Professor by the Board of Regents

Nov. 8, 2021

A member of the CU faculty since 1996, McKnight’s work has transformed her field and has enhanced scientific understanding to the effects of climate change. She has been active in public outreach programs meant to translate science to the public, including her work on a children’s book series. An outstanding teacher and mentor of graduate students, she has served CU as a curriculum innovator in a wide variety of disciplines.

Diane McKnight

ENVS affiliate, Diane McKnight, wins Robert E. Horton Medal

Sept. 22, 2021

Professor of environmental engineering, Diane McKnight, received the 2021 American Geophysical Union Robert E. Horton Medal . This medal is awarded annually to one individual making outstanding contributions to hydrology. Congratulations Diane on this outstanding and deserved honor!

Campus Sustainability Award Winners

ENVS Faculty Honored for their Work in the 2021 Campus Sustainability Awards

April 13, 2021

The work of the Environmental Studies faculty was honored through two awards in the 24th Annual Campus Sustainability Awards. Kirsten Rowell, an Environmental Studies Associate Faculty, was given the Individual Achievement Award to acknowledge her consistent advocacy of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as central components of any effort to make the work more just and sustainable. In addition, the Center for Sustainable Landscapes and Communities (CSLC), which is led by Environmental Studies Associate Professor Amanda Carrico, Professor Sharon Collinge, and EBIO Ph.D. student Erin Fried, earned the Civic Achievement Award. The CSLC focuses "on building knowledge and informing decision making about public lands in and around Boulder County."