Pursuant to the Academic Affairs Policy on Additional Pay to Regular and Research Faculty, dated July 23, 2001, which sets salary limitations and conditions for salary supplementation, the Office of Faculty Affairs has created the following policy with regard to university staff employees’ service as teachers of record.  Fiscal year university staff employees may not, in general, perform additional jobs or services.  There are times when university staff employees’ service as teachers of record is necessary and this additional service is limited to one course, or 3 credit hours per semester.  

The following statement should be included as a condition of employment in any "overload" and "additional" job letters of offer:

"I certify that this additional teaching appointment does not exceed the limit on overload teaching, which allows no more than one additional course per semester over and above the equivalent of a full-time appointment. This overload limit includes all courses taught at the University of Colorado, including Continuing Education and other CU campuses."

University staff must obtain approval from their supervisor, the dean’s office, and the Office of Faculty Affairs before payment for additional teaching duties can be made.  Additional teaching duties for university staff should not be a regular occurrence. If so, the unit should discuss the possibility of incorporating the teaching responsibilities into the universty staff employee’s regular job duties.