The contents of the dossier differ slightly from unit to unit based upon the nature of the discipline the traditions of the unit. At a minimum, all dossiers must contain the materials called for in a checklist issued annually by the VCAC.
The current VCAC Dossier Checklist for Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion. That checklist includes a description of each item in the dossier. A few larger points can be made here.

The curriculum vitae (CV) is the key element in the dossier.
Candidates should take care in constructing their personal statements on teaching, research/scholarly work/creative work, and service. These documents are, in a sense, the one place in the file where the candidate’s own voice is heard. Candidates should use these documents, for example, to explain the shape of their scholarly career, their philosophy of teaching, and their role in serving the campus, the profession, and the community.
Candidates should work with their PUEC and department or school or college on putting together multiple measures of teaching. Some advice can be found in the Multiple Measures of Teaching guidelines.
All units should have clear procedures for selecting external reviewers; this process will usually involve soliciting suggestions from both the candidate and members of the unit. The dossier should include a copy of the letter of solicitation and an account of which external reviewers were contacted, of whether the reviewer was suggested by the unit or the candidate, and of the external reviewer’s response if they chose not to review. External reviewers should provide an abridged CV. Units may wish to describe briefly the external reviewers, their prominence, and their suitability to review the case, especially if they are not full professors. 
In addition to materials required by the checklist, primary units may also require additional materials consistent with the common practices or bylaws of the unit. Primary units wishing to require unique materials of specific candidates should first consult with their dean's office or the Office of Faculty Affairs.
Candidates may elect to submit additional materials in support of their candidacy. While candidate prerogative is not restricted in this regard, candidates are advised to consult with their PUEC about appropriate materials or volume of materials to be included in the dossier.