FRPA Activity Codes

Annual Activity Summary

201 Annual Activity Summary
210 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Activity Summary
299 Pandemic Activity Summary 

Teaching Activity

301 Principal Dissertation/Thesis Advisor for Graduate Student 
302 Principal Thesis Advisor for Undergraduate Student 
303 Member of Dissertation/Thesis Committee (other than Principal Advisor) 
304 Member of Masters or Ph.D Qualifying Examination Committee 
305 Independent Study/Research Study Groups Supervised 
306 UROP or URAP Advisor (list by individual) 
307 New Course Development 
308 Curriculum Development 
310 Major Revision of Existing Course (including new use of technology) 
311 Student Advising (total number of undergraduate students advised) 
312 Clinical Supervision of Students 
313 Supervision of Postdoctoral Researchers (include name, rank and dates) 
317 Job Placement of Doctoral and Terminal Master Students (include name, position, and institution) 
319 New Courses Taught This Year 
320 Courses Taught 
321 Courses Taught, Individual Applied Instruction in Music 
322 Master Teaching (other than at CU) including master classes, workshops, clinics, and residencies 
323 Non-credit Instruction Leading to Student Design, Production or Performance (ensemble director, producer of student performance, major advisor to student public performance)
385 Practice of Librarianship 
399 Other Teaching Activities (describe) 

Scholarly Work

Enter these Scholarly Works in CU Boulder Elements (CUBE) and then import into FRPA:

401 Refereed Books (PUBLIC data)
402 Refereed Textbooks (including teacher/lab guides) (PUBLIC data)
403 Refereed Monographs (PUBLIC data)
404 Refereed Books Edited (excluding journals, including conference proceedings) (PUBLIC data)
405 Refereed Textbooks Edited (PUBLIC data)
406 Revisions of Earlier Published Books (PUBLIC data)
407 Refereed Journal Articles or Chapters (including Law Reviews) (PUBLIC data)
408 Other Books (non-refereed) (PUBLIC data)
409 Other Articles or Chapters (non-refereed) (PUBLIC data)
412 Papers Published in Refereed Professional Conference Proceedings (PUBLIC data)
413 Papers Published in Non-refereed Conference Proceedings (PUBLIC data)
441 Translation of Articles or Books (PUBLIC data)
442 Translations by Others of Your Articles or Books (PUBLIC data)

Enter these Scholarly Works directly into FRPA:

410 Published Reviews 
411 Technical/Research Reports 
414 Popular Press 
415 Papers Presented at Professional Conferences But Not Published 
416 Presentations, Talks, Colloquia, Etc. (not listed under 415) 
418 Patents (PUBLIC data)
419 Computer Programs 
440 Encyclopedia, Dictionary, and Short Reference Entries 
444 Curatorial Work for Museums, Libraries, etc. 
450 Media Interviews Related to Scholarly Work 
460 Published Datasets (indicate if dataset is refereed, and include information for identification and access, such as a DOI or URL) 
499 Other Scholarly Work (describe) 

Grants, Commissions and Fellowships

421 Principal Investigator on Grants Received 
422 Co-Principal Investigator on Grants Received 
423 Gifts Received 
424 Fellowships Received 
426 Sabbatical, Spring Semester 
427 Sabbatical, Fall Semester 
428 Sabbatical, January - December 
429 Other Grants or Fellowships Awarded (describe) 
430 Grants and Fellowships Pending or Declined (indicate status) 
431 Commissioned Original Creative Works 

Creative Work
Enter Creative Works in CU Boulder Elements (CUBE) and then import into FRPA:

502 Conducted Music Performances (including Opera Direction) (PUBLIC data)
503 Directing or Producing Films, Videos, Dance Concerts, Plays, Operas (PUBLIC data)
505 Choreography/Design for Dance, Theatrical, Film or Video Productions (PUBLIC data)
506 Theatrical, Musical, Dance, or Art Performance (including those at professional meetings) (PUBLIC data)
507 Exhibitions in Galleries/Museums (PUBLIC data)
508 Radio/Television/Film/Video Presentations, Scripts or Productions (PUBLIC data)
509 Plays, Poems, or Fiction (Books) (PUBLIC data)
510 Plays, Poems, or Fiction (Other than a Book) (PUBLIC data)
511 Curator of Artistic Exhibitions (PUBLIC data)
520 Digital Art and Media Designs (including web design) (PUBLIC data)
530 Compositions-Original Compositions Recorded (including music, choreography, etc.) (PUBLIC data)
531 Performances of Original Composition/Choreography/Text (PUBLIC data)
532 Performances of Original Composition/Choreography/Text - Recorded (PUBLIC data)
533 Performances - Recorded (PUBLIC data)
540 Position as Artistic Director (non-CU) (ex: Musical Director for opera company) (PUBLIC data)
599 Other Creative Work (describe) 

Service Activity

601 Service to Scholarly or Professional Organizations (PUBLIC data) 
602 Contributed Consulting Activities (PUBLIC data) 
603 Paid Consulting Activities (PUBLIC data) 
604 Public Lectures, Speeches (PUBLIC data) 
605 Department, Unit, or Institute (PUBLIC data) 
606 School or College (PUBLIC data) 
607 Campus (PUBLIC data) 
608 University of Colorado (PUBLIC data)
609 Faculty Mentoring (peer mentoring in department, ACUment, or other)
620 Editor, Co-editor or Editorial Board Member of Journal (does not include advisory boards) (PUBLIC data) 
625 Peer Review of Manuscripts, Grants or Creative Work (PUBLIC data) 
630 Student Recruitment (including guest lectures, clinics, workshops and performances with emphasis on recruitment) (PUBLIC data) 
631 Service to PreK-12 Schools, Programs, and Organizations (PUBLIC data) 
640 Professional Development Activities (including programs such as LEAP, CTL, PI Academy and ELP) (PUBLIC data) 
695 Member of Local or Statewide Organization Related to Your Area of Research (provide name of organization and any positions held) (PUBLIC data) 
696 Community Service within Boulder County (PUBLIC data) 
697 Community Service within Colorado, outside Boulder County (PUBLIC data) 
698 Community Service - Other (PUBLIC data) 
699 Other Professional Service (describe) 


701 Department or Institute 
702 School or College 
703 Campus 
704 University 
705 Regional, National, or International Organization 
780 Written or Broadcast Reviews of Your Work (including references in collective reviews) 
790 Student Honors and Accomplishments (to include awards, presentations, public performances, original work presented) 
799 Other Honors or Awards 

Work in Progress

801 Refereed Journal Articles or Chapters, Accepted or In Press 
802 Refereed Journal Articles or Chapters, Submitted and Under Review 
803 Refereed Journal Articles or Chapters, In Progress (being written) 
804 Refereed Professional Conference Proceedings, Accepted 
805 Refereed Professional Conference Proceedings, Submitted and Under Review 
806 Refereed Professional Conference Proceedings, In Progress (being written) 
807 Refereed Books, Accepted or In Press 
808 Refereed Books, Submitted and Under Review 
809 Refereed Books, In Progress (being written) 
810 Patent Applications or Invention Disclosures in Progress 
811 Musical Compositions/Recordings - in Progress 
812 Conducting Musical Performances - in Progress 
813 Directing or Producing Films, Videos, Performances - in Progress 
814 Curation of Exhibitions - in Progress 
815 Choreography/Design for Dance, Theatrical, Film or Video Productions - in Progress 
816 Theatrical, Musical, Dance or Art Performances - in Progress 
817 Exhibitions in Galleries or Museums - in Progress 
818 Radio/Television/Film/Video Production - in Progress 
819 Plays, Poems or Fiction - in Progress 
899 Other Works in Progress