Taneesha Mohan
Assistant Teaching Professor • MA/M.Phil Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2009 • PhD London School of Economics, 2016 • Postdoc Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York
Human Geography • Environment-Society

I am a critical development geographer focusing on aspects of gender, labour, migration, refugees, agrarian political economy and social justice in the context of South Asia. I have worked extensively in India and Bangladesh. I completed my doctoral research from the London School of Economics (2016), which focused on the marginalization of rural female agrarian labour, the rising indebtedness in agriculture and the creation of a regime of labour tying under agrarian capitalism.  

My post-doctoral research at the Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York, (funded by the British Academy) titled ‘Equitable Resilience in Local Institutions in Bangladesh’, brought me in closer engagement with aspects of inequality, vulnerability, and sustainability within the context of climate change. The project identified four key elements in equitable resilience building in development and disaster risk management- we need to recognize subjectivities, promote inclusion and work across scales to bring about transformative change. This study covered aspects of both natural disasters and humanitarian crises (Rohingya refugee Crisis in particular). 

My current research looks at the growing vulnerability and gender inequality in global supply chains primarily with foods. The research is a comparative study of India and Bangladesh’s shrimp industry, which highlights how the current labour market regime is generating precarious lives and a growing invisible labour force. 

I completed my master’s and M.Phil. from Jawaharlal Nehru University in Geography in 2009. I have also worked at the grassroots level on issues of rural development, water justice and food security in India.

Recent Courses Taught:

  • Fall 2024  GEOG 3422  Political Ecology
  • Fall 2024  GEOG 3682  Geography of International Development
  • Fall 2024  GEOG 3930  Internship
  • Fall 2024  GEOG 4173  Research Seminar
  • Spring 2024  GEOG 3742  Place, Power, Culture
  • Spring 2024  GEOG 3832  India and Its Neighbors: Societies, Economies, and Geopolitics
  • Spring 2024  GEOG 3930  Internship
  • Spring 2024  GEOG 4173  Research Seminar
  • Fall 2023  GEOG 3422  Political Ecology
  • Fall 2023  GEOG 3682  Geography of International Development
  • Fall 2023  GEOG 3930  Internship
  • Spring 2023  GEOG 1982  Societies, Places, Connections
  • Spring 2023  GEOG 4173  Research Seminar
  • Spring 2023  GEOG 3930  Internship

Recent Publications

Mohan, T., 2021. 4 Routes to food security. Climate Change in the Global Workplace: Labour, Adaptation and Resistance, p.49.

Ensor, J.E., Mohan, T., Forrester, J., Khisa, U.K., Karim, T. and Howley, P., 2021. Opening space for equity and justice in resilience: A subjective approach to household resilience assessment. Global Environmental Change68, p.102251.