Hallie Adams

Curiosity about the natural world leads to career path in earth science research

July 10, 2019

Growing up on the fertile farmland of central Illinois three hours south of Chicago, Hallie Adams and her siblings spent long summer days exploring the nearby woods and playing in the creek that flowed through the family’s land. Her dad was a high school science teacher with a background in...

COP21 logo

John O'Loughlin adds to study showing climate change, conflict link

June 17, 2019

Imagine rising temperatures across the globe exacerbating armed conflicts in countries with limited resources. According to researchers and experts, including scientists from the University of Colorado Boulder and Stanford University, this scenario could easily become reality, rather than a plot for the next “Mad Max” film.

African woman standing in drought-affected area

Is climate change fueling civil war?

June 14, 2019

Droughts and other climate events can impact agriculture production and lead to economic shocks, which may increase risk of conflict. Credit: Oxfam East Africa Climate change has played a small, but important role in fueling civil wars and other armed conflicts in recent decades and will play an exponentially greater...

Researcher shoveling in the mountain snow

Monitoring changing world at CU Boulder’s Mountain Research Station

June 1, 2019

From base at 9,500 feet, scientists examine climate to top of tundra Motorists cruising the famed Peak to Peak Highway north of Nederland as they savor the scenery or head out for a visit to Brainard Lake might well sail right past a modest signpost for one of the highest...

Graduates tossing their caps in the air

May 2019 Commencement Photos Available for Download

May 12, 2019

Congratulations to our new graduates! The commencement photos have been published. There is also a video of the commencement ceremony .

Spring 2019 newsletter cover shot

Spring 2019 Newsletter Published

May 7, 2019

The 2019 Spring Newsletter has been published and is available for viewing. The newsletter contains department news, alumni updates, and student and faculty articles. Contents: Featured Articles ​ Journey to Thwaites Glacier (Antarctica) China Made: Asian Infastructures and the ‘China Model’ of Development News SNOTERNS Internship First Geography Grad Student...

Leah Wasser

Leah Wasser Receives Open Educator Award

May 7, 2019

Educator Award from the CU Student Government and the University Libraries. The award recognizes her openly-licensed Earth Analytics Python course that uses open source tools to educate students on Earth data science. An average of 50,000 unique global visitors access the course materials each month. Wasser directs the Earth Analytics...

Ellen Considine

Geography Minor is Goldwater Scholarship Recipient

May 7, 2019

Two CU Boulder undergraduates who have demonstrated a strong potential to succeed as researchers in science, engineering and math have been named recipients of the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship . Ellen Considine CU Boulder’s 2019–20 Goldwater Scholars are Ellen Considine, a junior from Boulder, Colorado, who is majoring in applied math...

Morning mountain scene with pond and forest

Alumni and Student Updates Spring 2019

May 1, 2019

Updates from Alumni: Gina Li (MA, 2019) In June 2019, Gina Li will be starting a job as a Geospatial Data Engineer at Descartes Labs in San Francisco, CA. Headquartered in Santa Fe, NM, Descartes Labs is a start-up founded by several top scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory in...

Soldier with rifle sitting, laughing next to children

Jennifer Fluri gathered evidence from war-torn (and joke-riddled) Afghanistan

April 29, 2019

“You can't laugh and be afraid at the same time. If you're laughing, I defy you to be afraid,” Stephen Colbert, TV talk show host It was July 2006 in Kabul, Afghanistan, where tensions between locals and international armed forces were rising beyond a simmer, hovering in the hot air...
