Mike Kanner, Lecturer
Political Science

333 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0333

Education: Ph.D. Political Science, University of Colorado

Undergraduate School & Degree
United States Military Academy at West Point – Engineering with a focus on Construction Design

Classes Taught at CU
To quote Marlon Brando, "What do you got?" I teach across all fields of political science, although my focus is on international relations and foreign policy. My favorite courses, of course, are those that deal with security issues, or as I like to say - If it goes BOOM! I'm there.

Most Interesting Travels
Honduras right after the transition to democracy. I traveled a great deal in the Macora Valley in support of nation building and host nation support programs. Second to that would be Panama City, Panama one year after OPERATION JUST CAUSE, when me and another officer drove through downtown only to be told that there was an on-going riot.

Extracurricular Activities
I am an active member of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Longmont where I am a mass coordinator, lector and Eucharistic minister.