Go to:

MyCU (http://my.cu.edu)

MyTools tab

Open Expense System button

Update profile (see below)

Airfare, lodging and car rental can be booked through Concur Travel. (Note: lodging and car rental can be booked only if you have a Corporate Liability Travel Card.)


Concur Travel is similar to Travelocity.

Enter flight information (use code DEN for Denver International Airport).

You will see a screen showing flight results – if you only need a quote you can print or email screen results.

Click the reserve button to book tickets.

You will then be directed to the car rental options (if applicable). See Karen if you will be renting a car outside of Concur Travel. (Note: you should book from a company with a green reserve button – these are state approved companies.) Click the reserve button to book a car rental.

You will now be directed to the hotel options (if applicable). See PSC website for guidelines on lodging rates: http://www.cu.edu/psc/payables/lodging_guidelines.htm. Click reserve button to book hotel.

You will be directed to a screen with the cancellation policy, etc. If you agree, click on the agree box.

We will need see your itinerary and will be able to make changes here.

If itinerary is okay, enter the speedtype for your airfare charges (see Karen for speedtype – please use correct speedtype!!!).

If your trip is grant funded (fund 30 or 31 speedtype), you will need to justify how the trip relates to the grant. (Fund number of a speedtype is the 2nd and 3rd numbers in the speedtype.)

Click Next

Click Purchase Ticket. Emails are now sent out to the traveler, the primary travel arranger and the HR supervisor.




First time users of Concur should verify and update their profile (Profile tab on menu bar).

Name: should be as your name appears on the ID you will use when traveling.

Company Information: Verify your manager (supervisor) information is correct (let Karen know if the information is not correct).

Contact Information: Feel free to use the department phone number (303 492 7404) as contact number.

Preferences: You can enter hotel and car rental preferences here. When you are searching for hotel/car rentals, your preferences will show up first on the list of available hotels/car rentals.

TSA Secure Flight: Required. (I would suggest verifying this information on your profile, along with your name, every time you purchase airline tickets).

International Travel: You can enter your passport information here if you are booking an international trip. You will need to book your trip through a travel agent with Christopherson Travel, but they will be able to access your passport information listed in your Concur Travel. You should verify your passport information before you book an international trip.

Assistants and Travel Arrangers: Add Karen as the PRIMARY assistant/travel arrangers. This will I will receive emails regarding your travel and if there is a situation where you are unable to access the system, I may be able to help you out.

Credit Cards: Enter your Corporate Liability Travel Card information here. This will allow you to charge hotels and car rentals directly to your travel card. (Airfare will be charged to the speedtype you enter when you book your airline ticket.)