Man sitting on bench with his dog, licking his face

5 ways to make it through April

As we finish out the rest of the semester remotely here are some things to help you take care of yourself and finish the semester strong.

Students walking apart from each other near the Rec Center on campus.

Does COVID-19 really matter for young people?

YES. While young people are less likely to experience severe or life-threatening complications from COVID-19, you play a critical role in minimizing the spread of the disease. Here are some important factors to consider to help control the spread of COVID-19.

Girl meditating on her desk in her bedroom

Healthy Buffs: Tips for managing mid-semester stress

It’s official: classes are online. Now what? As we work through changes to our school and home lives, we may begin to feel stressed or unsure as we adjust to a new normal. Here are some tips to help you manage and overcome stress.

Woman looking through old family photos

Tips for coping with homesickness

This semester is looking significantly different than when it started not too long ago. As we adjust to rapid changes, it’s normal to have feelings of homesickness. You may still be living on campus or living apart from your friends or family. It’s important to remember that many students are experiencing the same feelings and we are in this together. Here are some tips to help you support yourself and each other.

Student working on laptop at home with a lamp-lit desk.

Tips for succeeding in online classes

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by remote learning, you’re not alone. Here are some tips to help you succeed in your online classes.

Woman and man sitting on couch with stressed expressions.

7 ways to manage relationship stress

Following public health agency recommendations like self-quarantine and social distancing can cause our stress levels to spike, and our relationships may be the first in line to feel the impact. Whether we are feeling lonely, tired, overwhelmed or irritable (or a combination), it’s important to know how to manage our stress to help maintain our relationships. Here are some tips to help you navigate conflict while in isolation with your roommates, family or housemates.

Man standing in front of bay windows at the airport

How to stay healthy if you’re traveling

With recent announcements and recommendations regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus), many students, faculty and staff may be wondering if they should proceed with plans to travel or head home for spring break.

Teenager looking out the window of his room while listening to music with headphones.

Tools for managing stress and anxiety

It’s normal to feel anxious during times of transition, change or uncertainty. When life feels unpredictable it’s crucial to focus on our mental health, connections with family and friends and self-care. Here are some tools you can use to help manage stress and anxiety.

Person laying in the grass with headphones, a laptop and coffee

3 self-care tips for this week

While social distancing has been adopted as a proactive measure to protect our physical health, it’s important to maintain social connections and look after our mental health, too. Here are some ways to care for yourself during times of uncertainty.

Bed of shamrocks

What to expect this St. Patrick’s Day weekend

St. Patrick’s Day is a time of festivities and celebration. Please take a moment to review some important safety and enforcement tips. Patrols CU and Boulder Police both plan to step up enforcement during this time, including the number of officers on duty and frequency of patrols. Know the rules...
