Male student studying in the case building

5 tips to get through grad school

If you’re feeling stressed in grad school, chances are you’re not alone. In fact, based on a recent survey by the American College Health Association, 64.5% of graduate and professional students experienced above-average or tremendous stress in the past year. While most college students experience some level of stress, graduate...

Text: love the body you're in with a heart

Healthy Buffs: How to help a friend with body image

Here are some tips for helping a friend who may be struggling with negative body image and where to find support. What is body image? Body image describes the way that we see our physical bodies and how we imagine others see us. People with positive body image generally feel...

Male trainer working with female student on bicep curls

Is personal training really for everyone?

Short answer: Yes . There are a lot of misconceptions around personal training. It may seem like personal training is only for those who are experienced in the gym or that you have to know exactly what kind of program you want to participate in. However, there’s a lot more...

Student studying in the CASE building

Healthy Buffs: Stress management 101

It’s official: syllabus week is over. Now what? As we approach mid-semester, you may begin to feel the stresses of an increased workload and added responsibilities outside of school. Here are some tips to help you overcome stress. Give yourself a checkup What things in your life feel overwhelming? Write...

Staff and faculty sitting through a seminar at the UMC

Health and Wellness Services offers professional development opportunities for staff and faculty

Health and Wellness Services offers a number of in-person professional development opportunities to enhance team dynamics, support students and improve our campus community. Here are a few that are currently being offered for the spring semester: Supporting Student Resiliency The Supporting Student Resiliency Professional Development Series provides CU faculty and...

Drawing of red blood cells on dark maroon background

Top 3 blood donation fears (and how to overcome them)

Donating blood can be a stressful experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips that can help you overcome the top reasons people avoid donating blood: #1 If you have a fear of needles… If you have a fear of needles, you’re not alone. Many people avoid...

Girl doing a core workout at the rec center

Feeling sick? When to take a break from the gym

You just worked out all of the kinks in your workout routine and now… you’re sick. What do you do? Do you sweat through it or forsake the gym for a much-needed nap? Follow these tips for working out when you’re sick. Listen to Your Body If your symptoms are...

Prescription bottle of pills pouring onto table.

Save a life: How to respond to an overdose

As addiction to opiates continues to be a major health concern in Colorado and across the United States, it has become increasingly important to know how to respond to an overdose situation. Watch this video to learn how to identify the signs of an overdose and administer naloxone: Campus resources...

Woman holding a list and shopping basket at the produce section of a grocery store.

5 tips for eating healthy on a budget

If you want to eat healthy, you have to increase your budget… right? Wrong. In fact, there are a number of tools and tricks to help you stay on track. Here are our top 5 tips to help you stay on budget and eat healthier this year. #1 Make a...

Man in bed with tissues

5 things you can do to avoid the flu

Viruses like colds and flu can last 7-10 days, meaning symptoms like a stuffy nose, body aches, fatigue and a sore throat may stick around for a while. Since antibiotics don’t work against viruses, it’s important to stay healthy and prevent illness before it happens. Here are 5 ways you...
