student studying

Managing Stress

Being in college can be a whirlwind of new classes, internships, friends, relationships, activities and more. As exciting as this all is, it can also become overwhelming and we can feel trapped by the weight of our own expectations.

sick pug on a couch

5 Steps to Staying Healthy This Spring

Viruses such as the flu and common cold can last 7–10 days, meaning symptoms like a stuffy nose, body aches, fatigue and a sore throat stick around for a while. Since antibiotics typically don’t work for viruses, it’s all about staying as healthy as possible.

Girl blurred by sun

The Power of Positive Psychology

When we're going through a hard time, our outlook can be the vehicle to a better place.

Buff Pool at the Rec

Finding your fit at The Rec

Make the most out of your time at CU! Studies have shown that physical activity, in any form, helps to relieve stress and improve cognitive function. So keep reading, visit the Recreation Services website and follow-us on social media! We want to help you Find Your Fit, feel good in...

holiday lights

Getting Festive this Winter Break

From family dinners to ugly sweater parties, the holidays can be a time of celebrating, feasting and drinking. Here are a few things to consider when celebrating over winter break.

Student studying

4 Tips to Improve Focus

Having a plan for your health and wellness can help you stay focused and finish strong.


Setting Yourself up for Success: Nutrition

There are plenty of things you can do to ensure you're fueling your body and mind: here’s our crash course on nutrition to have a great semester!


Stress: The Good, The Bad, The In-Between

The right amount of stress can keep us motivated, but too much of it can take a toll on our well-being. It’s important to find healthy ways to manage stress.

Students walking

Is substance use affecting your relationships?

Making connections with others is an important part of the university experience. Drinking alcohol or using other drugs are sometimes seen as a vehicle for socializing*.

Ankle stretch

Peak Performance

Whether it’s a sport, an instrument, lifting weights or going on a hike, being in tune with our bodies can help us perform better.
