About Us

Himalayan Studies Conference V is hosted by the Tibet Himalaya Initiative (THI) at CU Boulder.

CU-Boulder Hosting Team

Holly Gayley, Religious Studies
Carole McGranahan, Anthropology
Rupak Shrestha, Geography
Sam Sonntag, Political Science
Emily Yeh, Geography

Organizing Committee

In addition to the CU Boulder hosting team, the organizing and review committee for HSC V includes:

Teri Allendorf, Forest and Wildlife Ecology Department, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Sya Kedzior, Department of Geography and Environmental Planning, Towson University
Pasang Sherpa, India China Institute, The New School
Andrew Nelson, Department of Anthropology, University of North Texas

We would like to express our appreciation to former HSC Conveners Heather Hindman and Mark Turin for their advice and support through the organizing process. We are also grateful to the Tsadra Foundation, the President's Fund for the Humanities, Center for Humanities and the Arts, the Research & Innovation Office at CU Boulder, which all have contributed their support to the conference.

Photo Credit: Glenn Asakawa, taken with members of the Tibet Himalaya Initiative on the occasion of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's visit to CU Boulder on June 23, 2016.

Questions? Please contact:

Rupak Shrestha
HSC-V Convener