Faculty holding current appointments in ICS. Listed in alphabetical order by last name.

Photo of Marie Banich
Marie Banich
ICS Faculty • Executive Director of INC • Distinguished Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • Psychology and Neuroscience • Banich Lab • Intermountain Neuroimaging Consortium
Photo of Roland Benoit
Roland Benoit
ICS Faculty • Associate Professor • ICS Executive Committee INC
Institute of Cognitive Science • Psychology and Neuroscience
Quentin Biddy
ICS Faculty • Assistant Research Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science
Cinnamon new
L. Cinnamon Bidwell
ICS Faculty • Associate Professor • Co-Director CUChange • ICS Executive Committee Ex Officio
Institute of Cognitive Science • CUChange
Jeff B. Bush Photo
Jeff B. Bush
Assistant Research Professor • iSAT Executive Committee
Institute of Cognitive Science • NSF National AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming
Donna Caccamise
Donna Caccamise
ICS Faculty • Associate Research Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • Caccamise/Kintsch Lab • NSF National AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming
R. McKell Carter (Carston)
R. McKell Carter (Carston)
ICS Faculty • Assistant Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • Psychology and Neuroscience • Carter Lab
Marta Ceko
Marta Čeko
ICS Faculty • Assistant Research Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science
Photo of Theodora Chaspari
Theodora Chaspari
ICS Faculty • Associate Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science
Photo of Rosie Cowell
Rosie Cowell
ICS Faculty • Associate Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • Psychology & Neuroscience
Sidney D'Mello
Sidney D'Mello
ICS Faculty • Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • Computer Science • Psychology and Neuroscience • D'Mello Lab • NSF National AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming
Peter Foltz
Peter Foltz
ICS Faculty • Research Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science
Hirshfield, Leanne Thumbmail
Leanne Hirshfield
ICS Faculty • Associate Research Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science
Jennifer Jacobs
Jennifer Jacobs
ICS Faculty • Associate Research Professor • ICS Executive Committee
Institute of Cognitive Science • Jacobs Lab
Al Kim
Al Kim
ICS Faculty • Associate Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • Psychology and Neuroscience • Kim Lab
Photo of Mon-Lin Ko
Mon-Lin (Monica) Ko
Assistant Research Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • D'Mello Lab • NSF National AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming (iSat)
Image of James Martin
James Martin
ICS Faculty • Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • Computer Science • Martin Lab
Bill Penuel
William (Bill) Penuel
ICS Faculty • Distinguished Professor • ICS Executive Committee
School of Education
Tamara Sumner
Tamara Sumner
ICS Director & Faculty • ICS Executive Committee Ex Officio • Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • Computer Science • Sumner Lab
Sarel van Vuuren
Sarel van Vuuren
ICS Faculty • Associate Research Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • Van Vuuren Lab
Wayne Ward
Wayne Ward
ICS Faculty • Research Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science
Christine Yoshinaga-Itano
Christine Yoshinaga-Itano
ICS Faculty • Research Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • Yoshinaga-Itano Lab