Carlos Hernandez

Dr. Carlos Armando Hernández (Ph.D., UCLA) is a faculty member at the California State University, Northridge.  Professor Hernandez teaches in the Department of Chicana/o Studies specializing in Mexico, Central America and border studies.  He is currently completing a book manuscript entitled Narco-mundo: How Narcotraficantes Gained Control of Northern Mexico and Beyond. Professor Hernandez specializes in Mexican and Central American asylum claims stemming from narco-violence, Drug Trafficking Organizations, and Transnational Crime Organizations.  His most recent area of research and testimony explores the intersection of gender and narco-violence in Mexico. Professor Hernandez regularly conducts field research and interviews throughout Mexico.  He presents his research internationally, and most recently has accepted the invitation as a scholar presenter at Oxford University’s Symposium on Migration, Population and the Environment. 


Book Proposal: Narcomundo: How Narcotraficantes Gained Control of Northern Mexico and Beyond