Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a difference between being an "officer" and an "organization administrator" for an organization?

Yes.  Organization leaders can list as many officers as they would like within BuffConnect but can only identify three (3) maximum to serve as Organization Administrators.  These Organization Administrators are the only ones who will have full access to many forms, funding and room reservation systems that exist on campus.  This includes the ability to re-register the organization for the year.  Currently listed Organization Administrators will have access to add/remove new Org Admins as needed.

How do I know if my student organization is in good standing?

Your RSO is likely in good standing if it appears in BuffConnect. Student organizations that have not re-registered with CSI for the current academic year will not see their BuffConnect portal.

What happens if I don't re-register?

Unfortunately, access to all the benefits ascribed to RSOs would be lost. That means the following abilities would be removed:

  • Ability to apply for event, travel or operational funding.
  • Ability to reserve spaces on campus at discounted or free rates.
  • Ability to reserve a table for the Be Involved Fair or Involvement Fair.
  • Ability to apply for and be recognized at the annual CU Involvement Awards.
  • Ability to access to the BuffConnect page for your RSO’s for recruitment and networking purposes.
  • Ability to access the email address specific to your organization.
  • Ability to participate in leadership development programs offered through CU GOLD    .

Once an organization completes their re-registration, all benefits described above will be reinstated.

Why doesn't my RSO have a BuffConnect portal?

There are a few reasons this may be true:

  • Your RSO may not have re-registered with our office. Student organizations that have not re-registered with CSI for the current academic year will not have a BuffConnect portal.
  • Your organization may NEVER have registered with our office. If this is the case, please refer to our Create a New Student Organization page.

What if I don't know what my RSO will look like this year?

If you're still in the process of getting organized, that’s OK! We still encourage your RSO to re-register with our office, even if you don’t have the fall semester planned out. Re-registering helps new students looking to get involved know that a student organization out there matches their interest.

We missed the September deadline. How do we get our RSO back in good standing?

If you missed our annual RSO trainings that occurred before the September 30 deadline, don't panic. More trainings occur throughout the academic year and are offered virtually. Please visit our annual registration page to see a list of steps and upcoming trainings.

How do I access BuffConnect?

The easiest way to access it is via the CSI home page by selecting “BuffConnect Student Org Directory,” or visit BuffConnect and bookmark the page for future use. Students may need to log in with their IdentiKey and password to access certain functionalities.

My student organization is not showing up in BuffConnect? What do I do?

To access BuffConnect, your student organization needs to re-register with the Center for Student Involvement. This annual recognition process will inform incoming student organization leaders of campus updates, review important campus policies and resources, and grant BuffConnect access. Completing this recognition process will put your student organization in good standing for the academic year. The annual deadline for completing registration items is September 30.

How do I navigate BuffConnect?

The BuffConnect guide is a great resource for exploring features in BuffConnect and learning how to navigate the student organization platform. If you can’t figure something out after looking through the guide, please reach out to your liaison or send us an email.

How do I add an event to BuffConnect?

Please use the BuffConnect guide to learn how to submit your RSO/RSGO events to BuffConnect for approval. Approval of events can take 1-3 business days. Please note: Approval within BuffConnect does not guarantee campus/space approval. Please follow normal procedures for reserving your on-campus space.

My student organization was told to update our organization registration form. How do I access it?

Updated instructions coming soon!

Where can I find more information about intramural and club sports? I don't see them listed in BuffConnect.

Information about intramural and club sports can be found on the Recreation Services website. If you are a member of a sports club and interested in having a BuffConnect portal, you can request this through our office by emailing us at

My student organization wants to plan an event. Where do we start?

For in-person events, student organizations will be required to go through the campus events approval process. Virtual events are still encouraged as well. Both virtual and in-person events can be funded by funding boards. Contact your CSI liaison if you have questions about what your student organization can receive funding for. Please remember that confirmed event space is required prior to submitting a budget request for an in-person event.

A campus event approval process has been established in support of the updated campus Events and Activities Policy. All approved in-person, on-campus activities, events and gatherings will be held in accordance with applicable public health guidelines with the goal of providing safe and meaningful experiences for members of the university community. Additionally, organizations should consider reviewing the Division of Student Affairs in-person event guide when planning in-person events. If your student organization is planning a virtual event this semester, check out CSI’s resource page for some tips for virtual organization operations and our best practices checklist for virtual events.

Can my organization host an event off campus?

Yes, student organizations can host events, meetings and activities off campus. However, organizations should still ensure they are following all COVID-19 guidance and policies from the state and county. Student organizations should be aware that individuals, as well as the organization as a whole, can be held accountable for COVID-related violations through the Student Code of Conduct.

Additionally, event hosts of off-campus events that use some type of university funding must follow all other relevant campus policies including procurement and financial rules governing the use of university funds and resources. However, because these events take place off-campus, such events and/or activities are outside the purview of the approval process; event and/or activity hosts assume all responsibility, legal or otherwise, for hosting safe events and activities.

For events which have an on-campus and off-campus component, the following departments reserve the right to require the event to follow the event management and approval process: CU Boulder Fire and Life Safety, Risk Management and CU Boulder Police Department.

Given the unique health and safety risks posed by COVID-19, and in an attempt to promote safe practices for events and activities, all other components of the campus’ Events and Activities Policy are required of all events, including off-campus events.

What COVID-19 mitigation strategies will my student organization need to implement for an in-person event?

In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as well as to support the health and safety of individuals and the CU Boulder community, the following mitigation strategies are strongly encouraged and may be required as part of event approval:

  • Any attendee experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should not attend the event.
  • All in-person events must include a mechanism for tracking the attendees at the event, including but not limited to taking reservations or having sign-in sheets to allow for follow-up contact tracing in the event that attendees are determined to have been exposed to a person infected with COVID-19. Records of attendance must be retained by the event organizer to be presented upon request for no less than 21 days following the event. Attendance tracking includes all attendees, staff, and student organization members present at some point during the in-person event.
  • Create a queue at entrances that ensures a minimum of six feet of physical distancing between individuals, and pace entry to prevent congestion.
  • Operate on a one-in-one-out basis when at capacity.
  • Remind attendees to observe six feet physical distancing, when possible, before, during and after events.
  • Post signage with easy-to-interpret graphics in commonly used languages reminding everyone to maintain six feet of distance, wear masks, wash hands, etc.
  • Establish single-direction traffic flow in and out of the venue area and seating areas. Consider separate entrances and exits.
  • Conduct enhanced cleaning and disinfection of common touch points (doors, stairwell handles, light switch, elevator switch, etc.).
  • Encourage attendees to use touchless hand sanitizing stations at entrances and in high-traffic areas.
  • Limit, wherever possible, the sharing of tools, equipment or other resources.
  • Use seated-only catering services or food services. Food and drink services must follow the same guidelines as restaurants and bars. If the event is catered, do not allow for self-service stations or buffets.
  • Consider shorter event duration times or limited admission windows to reduce the need for patrons to use restroom facilities, which can be a source of transmission.
  • Remove games or activities that require or encourage mingling, congregating and sharing materials. This includes things like board or recreational games, bounce houses, ball pits, shared dance floors (except for planned performances) and amusement booths and rides at fairs.

The above information is a part of the campus Events and Activities Policy.

Can my student organization have in-person meetings?

According to the university’s Event and Activities Policy student organization meetings can take place, however depending on the size, time and location they may be considered an event/activity and must go through the events and activities approval process.

All in-person student organization meetings are required to follow the campus requirements on wearing masks in indoor spaces, and comply with all other current campus policies. When feasible and appropriate, student organizations should consider virtual meetings and operations. For tips on how to run a successful virtual meeting, visit our resource page.

Can student organizations apply for event funding?

Yes, your student organization can apply for event funding, however funding will only be approved based on current campus guidelines and restrictions. Contact your CSI liaison if you have questions about what your student organization can receive funding for right now.

CU Boulder has developed the campus Events and Activities Policy to help event planners plan safe opportunities for our campus community that follow current guidelines and restrictions. Any adjustments to the guidelines will be communicated to the campus through the CU Boulder Today or through a campus administrative memo. Additionally, organizations should consider reviewing the Division of Student Affairs in-person event guide when planning in-person events. If your student organization is planning a virtual event this semester, check out CSI’s resource page for some tips for virtual organization operations and our best practices checklist for virtual events.

Can my organization receive funding for off-campus events?

In most cases, student organizations are encouraged to host events on campus when requesting funding and likely will not receive funding for off-campus events. However, due to some potential limitations on space availability, rare exemptions may be granted. Please note the inability to find space due to late or inefficient planning will not warrant an exmption. Approval and allocation of funding will be at the discretion of the individual student funding boards.

To apply for funding, be sure that your organization has completed all necessary steps to have Finance access to be able to submit your organization’s funding requests on BuffConnect. Once your organization has completed the registration process and is approved in BuffConnect, organization administrators will receive an email with information related to financial training, access to organization finances, as well as submitting financial transactions including budget requests. Contact our finance team at with questions.

Are there any resources available to student organization members about how to have conversations with peers about the importance of following COVID guidance and the impact it has on the campus community?

Yes, if students would like training on how to remind peers, organization members, and event attendees about policies and de-escalation practices, they should consider taking the Effective Peer-to-Peer Communications During COVID-19 Course in Canvas.

How do I access my organization’s finances? I can't find it in BuffConnect.

Organization administrators with finance access are able to check their account balances at any time in the accounting book area of BuffConnect. Consult our BuffConnect guide for further details on this  If you are an organization administrator and cannot access your accounting book:

  1. Ensure you have completed the finance agreement within BuffConnect. If you haven’t completed it you will see an alert on the homepage of BuffConnect asking you to complete it.
  2. Once you have submitted this agreement, your access should be updated within 1-2 business days.

My student organization wants to submit a funding request. What is the process to submit that?

First, be sure:

  • Your organization has completed the annual registration process and is approved in BuffConnect.
  • You (or another organization administrator) has finalized your organization administrator status, including submitting the finance agreement. Organization administrators will be the only ones who can submit a funding request.
  • You have enough time to complete the funding request process
    • For most requests we recommend applying at least 30 days in advance, and much more time when working with hosting large events or travel.
    • If you are concerned about timelines, please contact your organization liaison to discuss if you should apply.

After you have checked that you are in good standing and have finance access:

  • Set up a meeting with your assigned liaison to discuss your potential funding request.
  • At this meeting you will learn more about what to expect from the entire funding process.

What types of funding can I apply for?

There are three main categories of funding that exist for student organizations.

  1. Operational - items, supplies, services to aid your day-to-day operations.
  2. Event - large-scale, one-time happenings that are being hosted on campus and are free and open to all CU Boulder students (and advertised as such).
  3. Travel - competitions, conferences, site visits, etc.

A detailed explanation of these funding types can be found on our funding types page.

Can my organization receive funding for off-campus events?

In most cases, student organizations are encouraged to host events on campus when requesting funding and likely will not receive funding for off-campus events. However, due to some potential limitations on space availability, rare exemptions may be granted. Please note the inability to find space due to late or inefficient planning will not warrant an exemption. Approval and allocation of funding will be at the discretion of the individual student funding boards.

Will our student organization be able to request funding for food this year?

At their discretion, funding boards may approve funding for food at events or meetings, but student organizations should follow all current health and safety guidelines. This includes allowing adequate distance between attendees when unmasked/eating; purchasing individual serving/prepackaged food options as opposed to potluck or buffet style meals; wearing gloves when handling food, cutlery or dishes; and providing opportunities for attendees to clean or sanitize their hands.

Can my student organization apply for travel funding?

Organizations may request funding to travel to conferences or competitions that support the mission of the organization, by submitting an expenditure request in BuffConnect. As with all student fee funding requests, please submit the request well in advance of your trip (a minimum of 30 days), and do not make any purchases before your request is fully approved. Note that university policy requires that all airfare purchases be made through Christopherson, the university’s travel agency. No reimbursements will be allowed for airfare purchased by students.

My student organization wants to attend a virtual conference. Are we able to receive funding for this?

Yes, this is something for which your student organization can request funding. Funding to attend a virtual conference is considered “travel” funding, although the only cost you may have is registration costs.

Can my student organization apply for travel funding?

Organizations may request funding to travel to conferences or competitions that support the mission of the organization, by submitting an expenditure request in BuffConnect. As with all student fee funding requests, please submit the request well in advance of your trip (a minimum of 30 days), and do not make any purchases before your request is fully approved. Note that university policy requires that all airfare purchases be made through Christopherson, the university’s travel agency. No reimbursements will be allowed for airfare purchased by students.

My student organization wants to attend a virtual conference. Are we able to receive funding for this?

Yes, this is something that your student organization can request funding for. Funding to attend a virtual conference would be considered “travel” funding and should be requested as such.

To apply for funding, be sure that your organization has completed all necessary steps to have finance access to be able to submit your organization’s funding requests on BuffConnect. Once your organization has completed the annual registration process and is approved in BuffConnect, organization administrators will receive an email with information related to financial training, access to organization finances, as well as submitting financial transactions including budget requests. Contact our finance team at with questions. Once organizations receive access to the finance system, they should set up a meeting with their assigned liaison prior to submitting a budget request.

Where can I get more information about COVID-19?

CU Boulder is continuously updating its information and guidance for the university community to address the changing status of COVID-19. Please visit the university’s website for more information about COVID-19.

If I feel I’m being treated unfairly, discriminated against or harassed based on my race or ethnicity, what should I do?

If you feel you are being treated unfairly, singled out or targeted based on your skin color, race, ethnicity or national origin, please know that there are reporting and support options available on our campus. You can visit Don’t Ignore It to explore these options. Discriminatory and harassing behaviors are against university policy and have no place in our community. Additional information about other health and wellness related support is also available.