Sabahat Adil, PhD: Assistant Professor of Pre-Modern Arabic Literature and Culture
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Introduction to Arab and Islamic Civilizations (ARAB 1011), Islamic Culture and the Iberian Peninsula (ARAB 3230), The World of Classical Arabic Literature (ARAB 2231), and In the Footsteps of Travelers: Travel Writing in Arabic Literature (ARAB 3231) 

Haytham Bahoora, PhD: Assistant Professor of Arabic, MEIS Certificate Advisor
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Writings and experiences of Arab Jews in Baghdad, Intro to Arab and Islamic Culture (ARAB 1011)

Debra Biasca, PhD: Instructor in Physics, Scientific Writing
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Yiddish

Ira Chernus, PhD: Professor of Religious Studies
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Judaism (RLST/JWST3100)

Lucy Chester, PhD: Professor of History
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: The Arab-Israeli Conflict (IAFS/JWST 3650)

David Ciarlo, PhD: Associate Professor of History
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Social and cultural history of modern Germany, the history of European imperialism and racism, and the history of visual culture and mass culture in European and global contexts

Robert Ferry, PhD: Associate Professor of History and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Crypto-Jews

Donna Goldstein, PhD: Associate Professor of Anthropology

Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Hungarian Jewry

Patrick Greaney, PhD: Associate Professor of Germanic and Slavic Languages and
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Inside Nazi Germany (GRMN 2301)

Asuncion Horno-Delgado, PhD: Associate Professor of Spanish & Portuguese
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Latin American Jewish Literature

Mark Leiderman, PhD: Associate Professor of Russian and Chair of Russian Department
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Contemporary Russian Jewish literature

Paul Levitt, PhD: Professor of English
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Jewish-American Fiction (ENGL3677)

Naomi Rachel, PhD: Lecturer in the Program for Writing & Rhetoric
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: After the Holocaust (WRTG 3020)

David Rothman, PhD: Assistant Professor of German Language and Literature
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: After the Holocaust (WRTG 3020)

William Safran, PhD: Professor Emeritus of Political Science
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Politics of Nationalism and Ethnicity

Paul Shankman, PhD: Professor of Anthroplogy
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: The Holocaust: An Anthropological Perspective (ANTH/JWST 4580)

Benjamin R. Teitelbaum, Ph.D: Instructor and
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: anti-Semitism, European radical nationalism, Jews of the Caucasus, Radical Nationalism in Northern Europe (SCAN 3301)

David Valeta, PhD: Instructor of Religious Studies
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Second Temple Judaism, Biblical Hebrew (HEBR/JWST1030)

Megan Welsh: Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities Librarian, University of Colorado Libraries
Areas related to Jewish Studies: Program in Jewish Studies Library Liason

Mark Winokur, PhD: Associate Professor of English
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Influence of Jewish filmmakers on film, Hollywood and American culture

Sue Zemka, PhD: Professor of English
Areas/courses related to Jewish Studies: Bible as Literature; Religion and Culture