Screenshot of CommunityRule

Making the CommunityRule Library Searchable

May 7, 2024

Creating an effective way for users to navigate and utilize an online platform with extensive content can be a challenge, particularly for new users unfamiliar with the site’s structure. This was the case with CommunityRule , our online tool that hosts a growing library of user-created governance designs and existing...

Screenshot of CommunityRule showing login instructions

New in CommunityRule: User Login, Rule Editing, and More

April 3, 2024

CommunityRule is a tool that helps make communities better by providing a central place where people can create and share governance designs for their communities. It offers nine simple templates for setting up community structures. Communities can follow, modify, or even decide not to use these templates. They are meant...

Photo of Nathan Schneider by Theo Stroomer

Designing for the Economy of Involvement in Co-ops

March 27, 2023

Imagine a world in which the cooperative movement has won. The old dream of a cooperative commonwealth has arrived. You go about your day from cooperative to cooperative—shopping, working, scrolling on apps, and utilizing infrastructure all under the aegis of economic democracy. What a wonder! What a victory. The revolution...

Preview button on CommunityRule

CommunityRule Refactor Now Online

May 20, 2022

Background Last year, Smart Contract Research Forum provided a grant to CommunityRule, an open-source Web app led by MEDLab at CU Boulder meant to serve as an interface for community governance design. The project was led by Deacon Rodda at SQGLZ , and I have already shared Deacon’s brilliant reflections...

"Friends making a Mandala" by Cinema Tigers, via Stocksy United

Meet the Sacred Stacks Cohort

April 23, 2022

In February, we announced an open call for Sacred Stacks, an invitation to " Bring Decentralized Tools to Your Community ." We were astonished by the response. Around fifty communities applied for only three available slots. Clearly, there is a widespread need and curiosity for support in exploring emerging technologies...

Example CommunityRule module for voting created in Blockly.

Designing Community Governance with Blockly

Feb. 14, 2022

CommunityRule is a Web app we've been building at MEDLab to help communities design, edit, and share their own governance systems. You can think about it as an effort to re-think the idea of bylaws in an Internet-native way. It's something that could be useful for all kinds of virtual...

Screenshot of dashboard for an org in Modpol.

Introducing Modpol, a Game Mod for Governance

Jan. 28, 2022

Modpol is a self-governance toolkit for communities in online worlds. We are creating the first implementation in a multiplayer game called Minetest . Consider a group of friends meeting for a picnic in the park. How do they make decisions, such as where to lay down their blanket, or when...

Excavations: Governance Archaeology for the Future of the Internet poster

Excavations Gallery Arrives at the UN Internet Governance Forum

Dec. 9, 2021

MEDlab is proud to launch Excavations: Governance Archaeology for the Future of the Internet , an online art exhibition and discursive space, exploring the future of the Internet through the past and present of human self-governance. It has resulted from the collaboration spanning the last six months of an artist...

Example of a more graphical interface for CommunityRule, where the user drags and drops rectangular modules and adds contextual information about them.

What Should an Interface for Designing Governance Do?

Nov. 1, 2021

This post was originally written for the Smart Contract Research Forum and is cross-posted there . The user experience for most organizational governance is pretty lousy. In meatspace, it generally consists of impenetrable legal prose that, in order to be precise, loses meaning for most people who have to use...

Cover of Community Rules: Simple Templates for Great Communities

Community Rules: Simple Templates for Great Communities

July 15, 2021

Download here Creating communities has never been easier. Online social networks enable groups to form among people who might never otherwise meet—across borders, even within neighborhoods, and around common causes that might otherwise remain isolated and underground. Getting involved in a community can be as easy as pressing “join.” But...
