Alphonse Desjardins (photo by Vista Stamps, used without permission)

Co-ops, from Lateral to Vertical and Back Again

July 29, 2019

Alphonse Desjardins (photo by Vista Stamps, used without permission) I have been trying for some time to put my finger on the difference—between the stories of co-op origins I read about for years while working on my book, Everything for Everyone , and what I encounter among many larger cooperatives...

Katy Fetters

Building Spaces for Belonging

May 3, 2019

In recent years, I have struggled to call myself an advocate for those with cerebral palsy. I’ve struggled to understand what that means both online and offline in the disability community. What do I advocate for? Whom do I advocate for? While attempting to answer these questions, I’ve come to...

Better Together

Become Better Together with Enspiral

Feb. 20, 2019

Part of the appeal in being a worker on new gig-economy platforms like Uber or Taskrabbit is the apparent autonomy, the feeling of not having a boss. Sure, an app on your phone is your new boss, and through it a large, transnational corporation whose investors want nothing more than...

Co-ops Need Leaders, Too

Jan. 20, 2019

I frequently encounter a notion, among those drawn to cooperatives, that a cooperative should be an amorphous, faceless collective in which old-world skills and norms of leadership can be discarded. How does this work out for them? Not well. Usually one of two entirely predictable things happens as a result—and...

Organizations as Abstractions Over the Law

Jan. 9, 2019

The law, perhaps by definition, lags behind people working for social change. I certainly found this over and over in the next-generation cooperative projects I profiled in Everything for Everyone . One co-op in Catalonia was, legally, a mishmash of entities that presented themselves as if they were a coherent...

By Katy Fetters

Notes on Collective Governance

Jan. 6, 2019

Those of us looking to shape our enterprises with methods for collective governance and shared ownership are led to ask: What can collective governance look like? What shape does that take? What are some of the challenges and freedoms presented in this model? We spoke with several cooperative-minded experts who...
