Caitlin Cain

  • Graduate Research Assistant

Caitlin is a graduate student in the MA-SLP program at the University of Colorado. She received a Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Hearing Sciences at Purdue University in 2020 and received her SLPA certificate from the University of Colorado in 2021. Her clinical and research interests broadly include feeding and swallowing disorders in infants and motor speech disorders amongst the pediatric population. Caitlin is completing a thesis exploring the differences in how dysarthria presents in children with acquired motor speech disorders. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, reading, cooking, and obsessing over Taylor Swift.



(*note Caitlin’s former last name was “Kane”, now it is “Cain”)

Richardson, K.,Huber, J.,,Kiefer, B.,Kane. C.,Snyder,S (2022) Respiratory Responses to Two Voice Interventions for Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing, Science.

Mcbride,A., Fino, P., Williams, A, M., Kane,C.,, Lohse, K,.,Raffegeau, T,. (2022) The Effects Of Mobility Related Anxiety And A Common Dual Task On Turning Kinematics: A Virtual Reality Study. University of Utah Undergraduate Research Journal.