Justin graduates with a degree in Biochemistry!

May 16, 2020

This fall he will beging graduate school at Cornell in the Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology (BCMB) program. Congratulations!

Justin receives his honors designation as summa cum laude!

April 27, 2020

Kylie and Rita are both awarded UROP Fellowships for the summer!

April 14, 2020

Kelsie gives a guest lecture over Zoom!

April 10, 2020

Justin successfully defends his Biochemistry honors thesis!

April 10, 2020

Sam Holtzen joins the lab! We're excited to have you!

April 7, 2020

Erin gives a talk at the Biophysics Supergroup!

April 6, 2020

Palmer Lab has its first lab meeting by Zoom!

March 31, 2020

Palmer Lab donates supplies to Boulder Community Hospital

March 21, 2020

Erin passes her oral exams and advances to candidacy!

March 20, 2020
