Lab lunch at Backcountry Pizza!

Dec. 15, 2017

A hippocampal neuron expressing a zinc FRET sensor.

Lynn receives first place in the CU Up Close Image Competition! Awesome work!

Nov. 30, 2017

Lynn's first place image: A hippocampal neuron expressing a zinc FRET sensor. Lynn had another finalist image: A field of hippocampal neurons and glial cells stained with a zinc-sensing membrane dye.

Van successfully defends her thesis! Congrats!

Nov. 17, 2017

Prem successfully defends his thesis! Congrats!

Nov. 2, 2017

Amy gives her promotion talk to the Biochemistry Department!

Oct. 25, 2017

Goodbye (kind of) party for Molly at Amy's house!

Aug. 26, 2017

Dilara's last day in the lab!

Aug. 25, 2017

You will do awesome in the CU Biochem Grad Program! We will miss you but we'll see you around!

Kyle and Molly's paper is published in Analytical Chemistry!

July 31, 2017

Read Kyle and Molly's paper "Critical Comparison of FRET-Sensor Functionality in the Cytosol and Endoplasmic Reticulum and Implications for Quantification of Ions" here .

Kyle's last day in the lab!

July 31, 2017

Good luck at Stanford! We'll miss you!

Maria and Kelsie at the GRC

Maria and Kelsie travel to Mount Snow, VT to attend the Cell Biology of Metals Gordon Research Conference!

July 23, 2017

Maria and Kelsie and new friends over lobster dinner at the Cell Biology of Metals Gordon Research Conference!
