Amy attends the Fluorescent Proteins and Biological Sensors IV conference at Janelia Farms!

Sept. 28, 2014

Amy and Lynn attend the International Society for Zinc Biology conference in Monterey, CA!

Sept. 14, 2014

Amy receives a Director's Pioneer Award from the National Institutes of Health!

Sept. 12, 2014

Learn more about the NIH Director's Pioneer Award here .

Joe Dragavon arrives to run our Biofrontiers Microscopy Core! Welcome!

Aug. 11, 2014

Mateo presents his summer research at the annual SMART Summer Poster Symposium!

Aug. 7, 2014

Dr. Caryn Outten from the University of South Carolina arrives to carry out her sabbatical in our lab. Welcome!

July 25, 2014

Read more about Dr. Outten's chemistry/biochemistry group at the University of South Carolina here .

Yan receives her K99 fellowship from the NIH!

July 25, 2014

Congratulations Yan!

Mateo travels to Connecticut to present his summer research at the Leadership Alliance National Symposium.

July 25, 2014

Mike receives the Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Training Grant!

July 22, 2014

Amy attends the Human Frontier Science Program's Awardees Meeting in Lugano, Switzerland!

July 6, 2014
