Lynn receives the Signaling and Cellular Regulation Training Grant!

June 25, 2014

Yan's K99 fellowship from the NIH is pending!

June 23, 2014

Mateo begins in the lab!

June 2, 2014

Mateo, our summer research ( SMART ) undergraduate intern, starts working in the lab on a pathogenesis project!

Amy, Yan, Kyle, Yu, and Lynn present their research at the Trace Elements in Biology and Medicine Conference!

June 1, 2014

Genevieve's last day in the lab!

May 30, 2014

Genevieve is now headed back to medical school to finish her MD! Congratulations and good luck!

Sarah presents her research at the annual Signaling Minisymposium!

May 12, 2014

New lab members!

May 12, 2014

Mike Minson and Lynn Sanford join the Palmer Lab! Mike received his undergraduate degree in chemistry and nutrition from the University of Utah and Lynn received her degree in chemistry from Pomona College. Welcome to the lab!

Eldon's last day in the lab!

May 2, 2014

Good luck at GE Healthsciences!

Madi presents her work at the UROP/HHMI poster session!

April 28, 2014

Kevin's last day at CU!

April 22, 2014

Kevin's last day as our microscopy core director! We wish him the best of luck as he starts his postdoctoral research position at UT Southwestern!
