Jennifer Lubbeck gives a talk at Biophysical Society as part of the RFP collaboration

March 7, 2011

Amy, Yan, Genevieve, and Janet publish a review on biosensors in Trends Biotechnology

March 3, 2011

Read the article here .

Amy is featured in the National Institute of General Medical Science's 'Findings'

Jan. 10, 2011

Janet graduates with her PhD!

Dec. 17, 2010

Jennette joins the lab!

Dec. 15, 2010

Jennette, a first year organic graduate student with previous experience involving bioinorganic chemistry, joined the lab. She will be focusing on Zinc (II) homeostasis and disease.

Janet and Amy are published in Nature

Oct. 30, 2010

In collaboration with Vamsi Mootha at Harvard Medical School, Janet and Amy confirmed the involvement of MICU1, a mitochondrial associated protein with Calcium (II) uptake. For decades, the mechanism of mitochondrial calcim uptake has remained enigmatic, and this paper provides a significant step forward in understanding mitochondrial calcium homeostasis and...

Genevieve and Sarah join the lab!

Oct. 25, 2010

Genevieve Park, an MD/PH.D. student attending the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and Sarah McQuate, a 3rd year graduate student in the department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, recently joined the lab. Sarah received her B.S. from the University of Puget Sound in the Pacific Northwest and will study Salmonella...

Kevin presented a poster at the Society of General Physiologists 'New Optical Methods in Cell Physiology' Symposia at Wood's Hole, MA

Sept. 8, 2010

Phil defends his thesis

July 10, 2010

Amy’s first graduate student, Phil Dittmer, successfully defended his Ph.D. The topic of his dissertation was the sub-cellular localization and dynamics of zinc (II) in biological health and signaling.

Yan and Jose Attend FASEB Trace Metals

June 12, 2010

Yan will present her recent work regarding the development of improved fluorescent protein based Zinc (II) sensors that can now measure metal homeostasis from picomolar to micromolar quantities. In addition, Jose was awarded a FASEB MARC travel award to attend the conference.
