Published: March 23, 2019

A open source Modelica library for the NZEC is built to facilitate the design and operation of a real NZEC. Using this library, a virtual testbed is built based on Historic Green Village, a real-world NZEC on Anna Maria Island, Florida. The testbed consists of a framework and system models for different subsystems, including solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, ground-coupled source heat pumps, buildings, the electric grid, and so on. The framework streamlines the process for simulation and optimization with Python; the models include both physics-based ones and data-driven ones, designed for different data availability and application contexts. The models are validated against the measurement data.

Software Download

The development site of this software is at:

Training Workshop

Release Notes

  • 07/28/2020: SCC-NZEC library V1.1 released.
    • Added new package OccupantBehavior which enables occupancy-dependent schedule generation for thermostat setpoints, etc.
  • 03/27/2019: SCC-NZEC library V1.0 released.
    • First release of the library. It contains component and system models supporting community-scale building load, domestic hot water, heat pump system and power source modeling.


The NZEC library was the outcome of the project "BIGDATA: Collaborative Research: IA: Big Data Analytics for Optimized Planning of Smart, Sustainable, and Connected Communities" sponsored by the National Science Foundation (Award No. IIS-1802017). 

The development of the library was also supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Office, under contract no. DE-AC05-76RL01830.

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