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Scott gives virtual plenary address at the 2020 Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium hosted by the University of Guelph

Scott recently had the pleasure of giving one of three plenaries at the 2020 meeting of the Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium (held virtually) hosted this year by Scott's alma mater the University of Guelph. This graduate student organized conference has been running for almost 50 years and features exciting research being conducted by graduate students across Ontario. Thanks to Alicia Halhed & Meagan King, the OE3C 2020 Co-chairs, and the rest of the OE3C 2020 Planning Committee for including Scott as part of their conference. 

Although it would have been nice to be close to home this time of year (Scott grew up 2 hours north of Guelph!) it was awesome that the organizers still managed to put on an engaging and interesting virtual conference.