Kathryn demonstrating how to properly string up a nest box

First Nest Boxes Go Up

Nov. 8, 2018

We put up 100 nest boxes at the MRS! Thanks to the Taylor lab and additional EBIO helpers we had 14 pairs of hands on deck! Boxes were put up at elevations as high as 11000' despite a snow-covered road. These will be incorporated into The Boulder Chickadee Study, a...

Mountain range

Thoughts from PhDs in the Field: Angela, Erik, and Kathryn

Oct. 2, 2018

Angela went to Pennsylvania. Erik went to Montana, and Kathryn posted up at the CU Mountain Research Station. Below, find some of each of their thoughts on their experiences: Angela: I started out my summer field season in Pennsylvania in and around the Lehigh University campus. I had the opportunity...

Still from trailer

Teaching workshop with Biological Sciences Initiative

Oct. 2, 2018

Kathryn and Scott have been working with BSI to develop course content that can be implemented by teachers in their classrooms. Check out the trailer here! They also gave lectures at a workshop that connects K-12 teachers with real-world research and scientists, and enjoyed having this opportunity to engage with...

Chickadee on knee

Nederland Wild Bear Summer Camp

Oct. 2, 2018

Kathryn spent a day as an instructor for the Nederland Wild Bear Summer Camp, and enjoyed connecting with communities outside of the city of Boulder and working with kids. They banded birds, built nest boxes, went on a bird walk, and discussed research. This camp connects youth with active scientists...

High school researchers in the field

Nature Kids Lafayette

Oct. 2, 2018

Angela and Kathryn mentored two high school students over the summer from Lafayette, Alex and Kay, through CU Science Discovery (see photo at right)—a rewarding experience that immersed youth from throughout Colorado in their own research projects. They taught them how to carry out bird surveys, keep a field notebook,...

A higher resolution examination of climate-mediated hybrid zone movement Poster

Dom presented a poster at the International Ornithological Congress (IOC 2018) in Vancouver

Oct. 2, 2018

Dom presented a poster titled “A higher resolution examination of climate-mediated hybrid zone movement” at IOC 2018, which supported the findings of previous studies of lower resolution of the hybrid zone movement and found that several gene groups had consistently low introgression. See poster to the right.

Nest Box Lumber

100 Chickadee Nest Boxes Built!

Oct. 2, 2018

We’ve built over 100 nest boxes for the Boulder Chickadee Study (102, to be exact). 250 more to go this year, oof. Good luck Kathryn and Katherine!

Sample measurements of chickadee cap by UV Chroma, Reflectance, and Patch Size

Katherine presents her summer research

Oct. 2, 2018

Katherine spoke at the REU meeting on her research into plumage variation between two social bird species. She has been busy mapping chickadee sightings and collecting data from captured birds at the Mountain Research Station, and is gearing up to photograph specimens and start quantifying the variation in plumage between...

2018 Colorado Field Ornithologists Convention

Scott gave the keynote talk at the 2018 Colorado Field Ornithologists convention

May 24, 2018

Scott was the keynote speaker at the 2018 CFO convention and gave a talk on his recent work on chickadees, redpolls, and warblers titled, “Insights into avian evolutionary ecology from genomes and citizens.” Scott had a great time at the convention and enjoyed meeting some local Colorado birders.

The Auk 2018 Biogeographic origins of Darwin's finches (Thraupidae: Coerebinae)

Congratulations Erik!

May 24, 2018

The latest edition of The Auk: Ornithological Advances will contain a paper by our very own Erik Funk, which is the product of his work as a Masters student at San Diego State University under the supervision of Dr. Kevin Burns. Erik reconstructed the ancestral range of Darwin’s finches and...
