April 5, 2017: Science Teen Cafe at CU Boulder

Tong and Millicent showed our research about the synthetic fish skins at the Science Teen Cafe . We shared our research experiences with approximately 20 local high school students.




April 14, 2017: Research Presentation to High School Students from Career Education Center (CEC) Early College High School (Denver)

Tong and Millicent showed our research about the active motile particles to a group of sophomore students from the Career Education Center (CEC) Early College High School from Denver to design the system. Students also participated the hands-on activity to design their own motile system.

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May 2, 2017: Research Presentation in Fairview High School (Boulder)

Tong and Millicent showed our research about the active motile particles in the Biology AP class at Fairview High School in Boulder.

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