Welcome to the summer brown bag series on bankruptcy law!

The series will run every Friday from noon to 1 pm (Mountain) from June 12 to August 7 (with no meeting on Friday, July 3).

This series will introduce the field of bankruptcy law to encourage students and recent graduates to consider studying or practicing in the field.  The COVID-19 crisis will likely create a legal emergency, with a tsunami of bankruptcy filings from individuals and small businesses (as well as larger businesses).

There will be an incredible need for young lawyers, both litigators and transactional attorneys, to deal with this crisis.  This is an area with growing job opportunities.  It also presents an opportunity for service to respond to what is becoming both an economic and a social justice emergency, as households and small business owners struggle to recover.

The brown bag series is free and will be taught by law professors (including from the University of New Mexico, Tulane, and Brooklyn Law School) and a roster of federal bankruptcy judges.  We are grateful that almost every federal bankruptcy judge in Colorado and New Mexico will be participating.

You can access the brown bag at the following link: https://cu.law/bankruptcybrownbag

Brown Bag Schedule and Details: 

June 12: Opening Session

Speakers: Professor Nathalie Martin, (Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Professor of Law, and Frederick M. Hart Chair in Consumer and Clinical Law, University of New Mexico School of Law); the Honorable David T. Thuma, Judge; and the Honorable Robert H. Jacobvitz, Chief Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Mexico

Topics: who files bankruptcy, what benefits can they achieve through a bankruptcy, and why a wave of bankruptcies may be approaching.

June 12th Recording

June 19: Bankruptcy Basics

Speakers: Professor Martin, Judge Thuma, and Chief Judge Jacobvitz

Topics: disclosure, the automatic stay, property of the estate, claims, and exemptions.

June 19th PowerPoint 

June 19th Recording

June 26: The Players in Bankruptcy

Speakers: The Honorable Joseph G. Rosania, Jr., Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Colorado

Topics: consumer debtor, debtor in possession, United States Trustee, panel trustee, the bankruptcy judge, creditors’ committee, individual creditors.

June 26th Recording

July 3: No session -- July 4th weekend

July 10: Consumer Bankruptcy

Speakers: The Honorable Elizabeth E. Brown, Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Colorado; Professor Adam Feibelman (Sumter Davis Marks Professor of Law, Tulane University Law School); and Nadav Orian Peer (Associate Professor, University of Colorado Law School)

July 10th Recording

July 17: Bankruptcy Law in Skits

Speakers: Judge Thuma and Chief Judge Jacobvitz

July 17th Recording

July 24: Chapter 11

Speakers: The Honorable Thomas B. McNamara, the Honorable Kimberley H. Tyson, and the Honorable Elizabeth E. Brown, Judges, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Colorado

Topics: 1st day motions, the plan process, avoidance actions, and asset sales.

July 24th Recording

July 24th PowerPoint

July 31: Subchapter V – Small Business Bankruptcies

Speakers: Judge Thuma; Edward Janger (David M. Barse Professor of Law & Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Scholarship, Brooklyn Law School); Patti Hennessy, Permanent Clerk to the Chief Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Mexico.

July 31st PowerPoint

July 31st PDF

July 31st Recording

August 7: Wrap up and Finding a Job in Bankruptcy

Speakers: the Honorable Michael E. Romero, Chief Judge and the Honorable Kimberley H. Tyson, Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Colorado

August 7th Recording