Ira Schwartz Headshot
CEO/Owner of Free Country

I’m a 1983 alumni who loves to ski. In 1990 I started my own outdoor apparel business called Free Country. I work together with my wife of 27 years. It’s an acquired taste, but works for me. We have exceeded all of our original goals and then some. I believe in sell what you love, love what you sell. Many people thought we would fail, but I always believed in our idea of making the “outdoors accessible to everyone”. Still going strong in 2023. I’m also a Trustee at Mount Sinai CCF and I also became a YPO member in 2004.

My advice to students is...

Have loads of perseverance. Believe deeply in what you’re interested in. Surround yourself with people who have strengths where you see your own weaknesses. If doors of opportunity open, walk through the door! Learn how to convey your business ideas into seconds, not minutes, when possible. Nothing happens on a straight line - life and business don’t just happen. The reward is the journey. The secret sauce is passion. Dream big – why be small, if you can be big. Don’t confuse success with money. Surround yourself with good people. Become an expert in your field. Do the work and be a student of your craft. Fear of failure is a great motivator. Your environment shapes you. Hard work ethic pays off. Gift of struggle is not to be underestimated, but it made the wins sweeter. Blind faith is more important when you're starting out.