Jack Terranova Headshot
Managing Director & Co-Head of Healthcare Investment Banking, JonesTrading

I currently serve as a co-head of Healthcare Investment Banking at JonesTrading, a full service middle-market investment bank. I started my career in investment banking while living in New York City after graduating from Tulane University in 2010, and have continued in the industry for the past 14 years. I moved to Colorado in 2020 and earned my MBA at CU Boulder in May 2023.
In addition to my work in finance, I co-founded a bitcoin mining company which is based in Wyoming called 44 West Mining. The company is now operational and in the scale-up phase.
I live in Arvada with my wife and two miniature huskies (Klee-Kai) and enjoy all things colorado, especially having grown up in New York with little access to the outdoors.

My advice to students...

Here are three important lessons I have learned during my career:

1. There is no substitue for hard work and a good attitude: Nothing comes easily and you are your own best advocate. Even when things get difficult (and they will), keeping your head down and puting forth your best effort with lead you to your desired end goals.

2. Treat people with respect: Whether a peer, subordinate or server at a restaurant, treat others as you would like to be treated. This is a simple idea that many in the business word find difficult to execute. Over time, treating people the right way will not only be personally rewarding, but also be good for business.

3. Prioritize honesty and ethics: There are no shortage of people out there that will cut corners and use questionable tactics to get ahead. While tempting, resist the urge to compromise your reputation for a few extra dollars. Its never worth it.