University of Colorado campus leadership programs that are affiliated with the Center for Leadership are eligible to apply for funding to support programming efforts or initiatives.

Requests will be accepted starting on August 1, 2024 and closing on October 15, 2024. 

Funding requests must meet the following conditions: 

  • addresses
    • Goals - what will the program accomplish
    • Who - which affiliate program is the funding for, who is your target audience
    • What - what type of programming/initiative is this
    • When - when are you planning on hosting this event or program, is it on-going or one-time, is there a back-up plan if the program cannot begin on schedule
    • Where - will it be held on campus, virtually, etc.
    • Why - why is the program necessary
    • How - a brief overview of how you are seeking to host the programming, logistics, media, marketing, other funding, collaborators, etc. 
    • Outcomes & Assessments - What are the outcomes of the program/project and how will you assess success
  • provides evidence that the programming/event supports one or more of the Center's main focuses of mental health and wellness, diversity, equity & inclusion, or experiential learning
  • detailed budget that is not in excess of $5,000 (one request per academic year, per affiliate program), be specific on how funds will be allocated, and what will happen if your project/program does not happen

Preference will be given to requests that can demonstrate collaboration between affiliate programs. Funding requests will be reviewed and selected by the Executive Committee. Additional information may be requested prior to a final decision.

Please submit all funding requests in .pdf form to