Retired, CFL Board of Advisors

Alan Rogers has a diverse and interesting career. He served in the Air Force, flew 100 fighter combat missions, worked for Colin Powell, served in NATO, commanded two bomber wings and retired as a Major General. Following the Air Force he had an active and extensive career in business with Gemini Consulting, American Management Systems, Inc. and CACI, Inc. He was CEO of an IT company, Command Information, Inc. and has been very active as a board member in private companies and with many non-profits organizations. He is Leadership Fellow with the National Association of Corporate Directors. He graduated from the United States Air Force Academy and earned an MBA with distinction from Harvard Business School. Formerly served as Chair, Downtown Boulder Partnership Board.

My advice to students...

Today's students have the world ahead of them and are and will be our future leaders. You are an impressive group with many new exciting, creative and digital talents. I look forward to an opportunity to share my leadership experiences and help accelerate your personal success. I am a life long learner and have enjoyed the benefit of wonderful mentors and have greatly enjoyed being a mentor. All of the mentors want to help you be even better leaders for our society tomorrow.