Ralph Gregory Headshot

Independence is always my motivation. I never wanted “a job” so with two exceptions, I was always in biz for myself in a number of different places and different times. Usually start ups that became successful and then the “big boys” would buy me out and make it even bigger. I’d take the money figuring I could always get a good job but never had to do that; I always found something else. I wasn’t successful in every endeavor; part of education is learning what not to do. But I won more than I lost and over time learned some universal aspects for success. My companies were “small” with only a couple of middle managers so I wanted one time to take a company “big”...and did. More education about being careful what you wish for and the challenge of developing success in others. Life’s a journey not a destination.

My advice to students is...

Experience taught me that 95% of all people underestimate their own power leaving many opportunities behind. And that the fear of the unknown, the fear of failure or the fear of what others might think is overly influential. Gambling is foolish but calculated risk is when rewards outweigh risks; often a simple and objective calculous.
Getting to 2nd base cannot be accomplished without taking your foot off 1st base. To grow you, to get more always involves risk. And failure is the hallmark of the greats like Ted Williams with the highest baseball batting average of all time: 60% of the time he failed to get on base.
The only opinion that really counts is the person that shows up in your mirror; character and values. We all have only one single resource in life; time and how you choose to use it. Life is all about choices…yours. Tick, tock…