Leanne Walther

The Lasting Legacy of Newly Retired Leanne Walther

June 3, 2019

After over 30 years with the University of Colorado Boulder Libraries, librarian Leanne Walther has retired. Walther began her career at CU Boulder as a cataloger at the Howard B. Waltz Music Library. She worked in the music library by day and worked towards her Master’s in Library Sciences from...

Libraries Building Manager Carl Stewart with Libraries Assistant Building Manager Christopher Yago.

Stewart Receives Williams Award for Lifetime Achievement

May 23, 2019

The 3rd annual Williams Award for Lifetime Achievement, presented by the University Libraries, has been awarded to the Libraries Building Manager Carl Stewart. Libraries Building Manager Carl Stewart with Libraries Assistant Building Manager Christopher Yago. The Williams Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a libraries faculty or staff member for their exceptional...

Campbell Award recipient David Hays delivers his acceptance speech.

Hays Recognized With 25th Annual Campbell Award

May 22, 2019

Longtime staff archivist David Hays is this year’s recipient of the Campbell Award. Campbell Award recipient David Hays delivers his acceptance speech. The award is named after Marie and Martha Campbell, sisters who joined the University Libraries staff in 1945 and have maintained their support for the Libraries since their...

Robert McDonald, Barbara Losoff, Megan Friedel, Lindsay Roberts, and Cynthia Keller

Losoff Receives 2019 Ralph E. Ellsworth Award

May 21, 2019

Associate Professor Barbara Losoff is the recipient of the University Libraries’ annual Ralph E. Ellsworth Award. It was presented to her during the 2019 Spring Awards ceremony, a time where the Libraries recognize the faculty and staff contributions to scholarship and community over the last year. Left: Robert McDonald, Barbara...

Daniel Senior

Senior Goes "Above and Beyond"

May 6, 2019

The University Libraries employ more than 200 hundred students in our five locations, and 52 of them will be graduating this Thursday. Today we would like to highlight Daniel Senior, graduating with a degree in integrative physiology and a history minor. Senior worked in two different departments in the University...

Robert McDonald

Dean McDonald to lead Academic Futures/Financial Futures Online Strategy Working Group

Jan. 25, 2019

CU Boulder Provost Russell Moore and Senior Vice Chancellor Kelly Fox today announced that Dean of Libraries Robert McDonald will appoint a new faculty-led working group to take on the project: Teaching and Technology, Online and Distance Learning, recommended as one of four lead projects by the Academic Futures Committee...

Dean McDonald

Q&A with Robert H. McDonald, Dean of the Libraries

Oct. 18, 2018

CU Boulder Today sat down with one of the campus's newest deans, Robert McDonald, who discusses his perspectives on everything from the libraries' greatest assets in service to the community to a favorite spot on campus, which has a stellar view of the Flatirons. What does the work of a...

Leslie Reynolds, Thea Lindquist, and Donna Hamilton.

2018 Spring Awards Ceremony

June 12, 2018

The Spring Awards ceremony is the time the University Libraries takes to recognize the important contributions that their faculty and staff have made over the past years. The 24th annual Campbell Award acknowledges the value and dedication of a respected member of our Library staff. This person has gone over...

Megan Friedel

Welcome Megan Friedel, Head of Archives

June 6, 2018

Join us in welcoming Megan Friedel as the new head of archives in the Department of Special Collections, Archives and Preservation (SCAP) at the University Libraries. Friedel comes to the University of Colorado Boulder from History Colorado where she was the curator of photography. With experience as an archivist and...

CU Boulder Photo Archivist Jennifer Sanchez

Q and A with photo archivist Jennifer Sanchez

April 10, 2018

Jennifer, as the photo archivist for the University Libraries, tell us, what does a photo archivist do? JS: I primarily work on preserving and providing access to photographic and audio/visual materials in the CU Boulder Archives. I manage the collections that are primarily composed of photographs and also help other...
