Widefield (epifluorescence)

DANTE 2s - Olympus IX81 widefield (Porter B047A)

Light Sources:

  • Excelitas X-Cite Xylis 365nm, model XT720S. The Xylis. Super high-intensity capable LED, intensity selectable in 1% increments, 5-100%. Excitation bandwidth from UV (365nm) to Near-IR (770nm) with peaks at 365, 430, 475, 545, 650, and 735nm, matching optimally with common fluorophores.
  • Halogen for brightfield and phase-contrast.

Standard filter configurations: 

This system utilizes the finest optical filters from Semrock and Chroma and employs separate excitation and emission wheels for maximum flexibility and customizable optical settings. This system employs fluor-matched single dichroic beamsplitters, and GFP/RFP dual and DAPI/FITC/TRITC/Cy5/Cy7 penta beam splitters. These components together provide maximum brightness and fast switching between wavelengths to provide the best results. 

  • DAPI, Hoechst, Alexa350, 405, etc.
  • CFP, cerulean, etc.
  • Alexa488, FITC, EGFP, etc.
  • YFP, Venus, etc.
  • Alexa555, 568, 594, TxRed, mRFP, mCherry, TdTomato, etc.
  • Alexa647, Cy5, etc.
  • Alexa680/700/750, Cy7, etc.
  • Brightfield & Phase-contrast (PH2 20x and 40x objectives)

(These are common molecules imaged, for exact excitation and emission wavelengths please contact the Director)

Standard objectives:

  • 4x 0.13NA UPlanFl N UIS2 WD 17 (mm)
  • 10x 0.40NA UPlanApo Ph1 WD 3.1 (mm)
  • 20x 0.70NA UPlanApo Ph2 WD 0.65 (mm)
  • 40x 0.75NA UPlanFl N Ph2 WD 0.51 (mm)
  • 60x 1.35NA UPlanSapo OIL WD 0.15 (mm)
  • 100x 1.40NA UPlanSapo OIL WD 0.13 (mm)

Available upon request: 

  • 60X 1.20NA UPLSAPO WATER WD 0.28 (mm)
  • Hamamatsu Orca R2 CCD. 12/16 bit
  • 1344 x 1024, 6.45 x 6.45 micron pixels
  • binning, 2x2, 4x4, 8x8
  • peak QE >70%
  • wavelength range >30% QE, 360 - 800nm (low light mode)

High-speed large area montaging via Prior Scientific H117E2IX motorized stage with linear encoders, with advanced stitching in up to 7 wavelengths (inquire). Slide scanning for up to 4 standard 25x75mm slides per run; entirety of slide(s), multiple areas across all slides, via Prior stage insert. Includes pre-defined settings for 1, 2, 3, or 4 slides in diffferent orientations. Pre-defined slide scanning or large 50x75mm slide format, via Prior stage insert.

Stage and well-plate navigator interface with pre-programmed plate formats for 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 wells and more. Advanced 2D and 3D deconvolution; Experiment design GUI; Debluring; Fluorescence unmixing; Image analysis; High dynamic range imaging (HDRI); more!!

Save your own custom settings including optical configurations, scan areas, acquisition settings, for routine precision.

Live cell imaging with InVivo Sci. stage-top humidified chamber, STEV.ECU.HC5; 1x35mm, multi-well plates, pre-mixed 5% CO2, balance air (please contact Dr. Orth); Oustanding phase contrast (20x and 40x); precise repeatability over time via Prior Scientific H117E2IX motorized stage with linear encoders; Z-drive; FRET (CFP --> YFP); GFP/mCherry dual dichroic or Blue/Green/Red/FarRed/Near-IR penta beam splitters provide for rapid multicolor live sample imaging.


Contact Director

PEPPER - Nikon TiU widefield with RGB color brightfield (Porter B047A)

Light Sources:

Standard filter configurations:

Semrock BrightLine quad Sedat
  • DAPI, Hoechst, etc.
  • Alexa488, FITC, GFP, etc.
  • TRITC, Alexa555, 568, 594, mRFP, mCherry, TdTomato, etc.
  • Alexa647, Cy5, etc.

Standard objectives:

  • 2x 0.10NA Plan Apo WD 8.5 (mm) 
  • 4x 0.13NA Plan Fluor WD 17.2 (mm)
  • 10x 0.45NA Plan Apo DIC N1 WD 4 (mm)
  • 20x 0.50NA Plan Fluor WD 2.1 (mm)
  • 40x 0.60NA Plan Fluor WD 1.8 (mm)
  • 100x 1.30NA Plan Fluor Ph3 OIL WD 0.20 (mm)

Optional objectives:

  • 60x 1.40NA Plan Apo VC λ OIL WD 0.13 (mm)
  • More (please inquire)

ASI MS-2000 XYZ motorized stage. Sample holders for standard slide, 35 and 60 mm dishes, and multiwell plates. DIC possible at 10x, and 60x. Brightfield color RGB imaging. Multi-point imaging. Montaging with stitching. Live cell imaging with TOKAI-HIT Cell Incubator; 1 X 35 (mm) dish or chamber slide (coverslip bottom). Rapid 4 color imaging via quad Sedat filter set (Semrock BrightLine).
