MACRO, Stereo, Brightfield (RGB color, epifluorescence)

FRANK - Zeiss Discovery.V12 fluorescent stereo (Porter B059)

Light Sources:

Standard fluroescent filter configurations:

  • GFP, AzamiGreen, Emerald, etc.
  • mRFP, mCherry, TdTomato, etc.

• 1X Zeiss NA0.XX objective

• 8X - 100X via motorized optical zoom

• selectable display to indicate field size diameter, resolution

Nikon Digital Sight CCD camera (DS-Qi; 6.45 um x 6.45 um pixel)

  • Fluorescent imaging of GFP and RFP and their related probes over a magnification range.
  • Halogen illumination via Fostec Fiber Optic.



  • NIS Elements BR 5.20.02 for fluorescence imaging (monochrome)

PEPPER - Nikon TiU widefield with RGB color brightfield (Porter B047A)

Light Sources:

Standard filter configurations:

Semrock BrightLine quad Sedat
  • DAPI, Hoechst, etc.
  • Alexa488, FITC, GFP, etc.
  • TRITC, Alexa555, 568, 594, mRFP, mCherry, TdTomato, etc.
  • Alexa647, Cy5, etc.

Standard objectives:

  • 2x 0.10NA Plan Apo WD 8.5 (mm) 
  • 4x 0.13NA Plan Fluor WD 17.2 (mm)
  • 10x 0.45NA Plan Apo DIC N1 WD 4 (mm)
  • 20x 0.50NA Plan Fluor WD 2.1 (mm)
  • 40x 0.60NA Plan Fluor WD 1.8 (mm)
  • 100x 1.30NA Plan Fluor Ph3 OIL WD 0.20 (mm)

Optional objectives:

  • 60x 1.40NA Plan Apo VC λ OIL WD 0.13 (mm)
  • More (please inquire)

ASI MS-2000 XYZ motorized stage. Sample holders for standard slide, 35 and 60 mm dishes, and multiwell plates. DIC possible at 10x, and 60x. Brightfield color RGB imaging. Multi-point imaging. Montaging with stitching. Live cell imaging with TOKAI-HIT Cell Incubator; 1 X 35 (mm) dish or chamber slide (coverslip bottom). Rapid 4 color imaging via quad Sedat filter set (Semrock BrightLine).




MACRO - Olympus MVX10 MacroZoom fluorescent & color (Porter B059)

  • Built in high-contrast white LED in base for transmission imaging
  • CoolLED pE-300White: 400, 488, 561 nm LEDs
  • ET-DAPI/FITC/TxRed triple Sedat filter set

Objectives (note, 2 position nose piece):

  • Olympus 0.63X MVXPLAPO NA0.15 WD87mm (max field of view 55mm)
  • Olympus 1X MVXPLAPO NA025 WD65mm (max field of view 34.9mm)
  • Olympus 2X MVXPLAPO NA0.50 WD20mm (max field of view 17.6mm)

Zoom body:

  • 0.63 - 6.3X

System magnifier:

  • 2X

Effective magnification (to eyes; 10X less to camera when using 1X coupler and no system magnifier):

  • Total system, 4 - 250X
  • 0.63X objective, 4 - 80X
  • 1X objective, 6.3 - 125X
  • 2X objective 12.5 - 250X

Color RGB camera:

  • Olympus DP23, 1x1.8 inch 6.4MP (3088 x 2076 pixels) color CMOS, 2.4 micron x 2.4 micron pixels

Monochrome camera:

System features:

  • Sytem Macro and stereo viewing modes; macro maximizes brightness, stereo splits the light path to enhance depth of field
  • Color camera is mounted with 0.63X adapter to maximize field size
  • Monochrome camera is mounted at 1.0X distance, no glass to maximize brightness
  • 2 position nose piece allows 2 objectives to be mounted simultaneouly
  • Diaphragms to adjust brightness for both white light and fluorescece
  • Triggered LED allow efficient blue, green, red imaging
  • Customizable intensity for each LED to limit photobleaching


  • Base includes brightfield high-contrast, brightfield oblique, darkfield and blocking optics
  • Time-lapse microscopy
  • Multi-channel fluorescence
  • Fiber optic white light (Fostec) for reflected light imaging

Olympus cellSens Standard version 4.2