Contract for Independent Study at MCDB


This contract must be completed and signed by the student and the sponsor.  If the sponsor is not an MCDB faculty member, you must first obtain approval of the project from the MCDB Coordinator of Independent Study, Dr. Jennifer Knight. Please provide all information requested. Submit this document to MCDB’s Education Program Manager for approval by the first day of classes of the semester (one contract required each semester). Once the contract is approved, the Education Program Manager will register the student for the requested course.  If you are not in the College of Arts and Sciences, you must get approval from your academic advisor of your College

  • Student Info:
    • Name:
    • Student ID#:
    • Email:
  • Sponsor Info:
    • Name:
    • Email:
    • Institution/Company:
    • Department:
  • Proposed Independent Study Info:
    • Year:
    • Semester:
    • Course Number:
    • Credit Hours:
    • Time Commitment (hours/week):
    • Title for Proposed Project:
    • Brief Description of Proposed Project:
    • Objectives for the Current Semester:
    • Date final Written Report is Due:
    • Approximate Date for Research Presentation (e.g. Lab Meeting):
    • Other Target Dates (Optional, but all firm commitments should be part of contract, e.g. poster presentation):
      • Scheduled Event:
      • Date:
    • Does your research involve human subjects?
      • Approved by Human Research Committee?
    • Experimental animals?
      • Animal Resources Committee?
    • Laboratory Members with Supervisory or Instructional Roles (please identify by name and briefly indicate how they will be involved):
    • Sponsor’s Grading Criteria:


Indicates required field

Student Information

Sponsor Information

Students in the College of Arts & Sciences STOP, you do not need to include your academic advisor. Click "Submit" below.

Students in any other College MUST include their academic advisor from their College.

Academic Advisor Information