Chart showing premature death avoided globally by 2050 by removal of solid cookstove use.

Targeting Cookstove Pollution Using Supercomputers and NASA Satellites

Jan. 23, 2017

New air quality research is investigating a major, but often overlooked contributor to outdoor pollution and climate: burning of solid fuel for cooking and heating. Cookstove studies typically evaluate how they contribute to indoor air quality issues in houses where solid fuel is frequently used for cooking and heating. A...

Carlye Lauff laughs during a design workshop in the Idea Forge.

Fellowship for the Win - Designing Down Under

Jan. 18, 2017

Carlye Lauff, a mechanical engineering PhD student studying design, is taking her research to the land of kangaroos and...

Franck Vernerey with a student.

Franck Vernerey Earns Prestigious Presidential Honor

Jan. 17, 2017

Mechanical engineering associate professor Franck Vernerey has been awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest U.S. government honor awarded to promising scientists and researchers beginning their careers. In a statement, President Barack Obama congratulated the 102 newest award recipients . “These innovators are working to...

Visual of the self healing material.

New Material Could Lead to Self-Healing 'Skin' for Soft Robots

Jan. 17, 2017

Today, we think of robots as rigid, clunky and metallic. But imagine a day in the future when robots are soft and human-like, with skin-like material covering muscles that move just like ours. That future may be closer than you realize, thanks to new joint research from University of Colorado...

Masoud Aghajani

Masoud Aghajani Awarded Research Fellowship

Jan. 10, 2017

Congratulations to CU Boulder mechanical engineering PhD student Masoud Aghajani for being awarded a 2016 Fellowship for Membrane Technology by the American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA) and US Bureau of Reclamation! The joint AMTA-Reclamation award provides funding to graduate students researching innovations for water treatment in membrane related areas. Aghajani...

Advanced Functional Materials Cover

Engineering New Solutions to Joint Damage and Osteoarthritis

Jan. 10, 2017

"We can rebuild him. We have the technology," began every episode of the television show The Six Million Dollar Man. Unfortunately, in the real world, medicine has not been able to create flawless substitutes for human body parts. The devices we have, like replacement knees and hips, are imperfect and often wear out and must be swapped out again. Associate Professor Corey Neu would like to change that, using material from...


Mechanical Engineering Student Amped Up On Batteries

Jan. 10, 2017

An inner-tube water polo match doesn't sound like the kind of place you’d find a mechanical engineering student. This very real, but equally silly sport is a popular intramural at CU Boulder, and not just for students with light academic loads. Floating in one of the inner-tubes is Simon Hafner...

Steve Neely

Humble Beginnings Drive Business Success for ME Grad

Jan. 10, 2017

Successful businesses often have humble beginnings. Mattel Toys began in a garage. Dell Computer started in a dorm room. Steve Neely’s company, VSI Parylene , had its genesis in his father-in-law's basement. "It's called precision parylene coating. I came across an opportunity for a niche service with a growing demand...

Frank Kreith

Boulder scientist Frank Kreith lands top engineering honor

Jan. 4, 2017

Mechanical engineering professor emeritus Frank Kreith is closing out the year by claiming what the American Association of Engineering Societies bills as the highest award in the engineering profession. Kreith, 94, is the recipient of the AAES 2017 John Fritz Medal , a distinction previously earned by the likes of...

Dongliang Zhao on a mountain.

Zhao wins Journal of Heat Transfer Outstanding Reviewer Award

Dec. 8, 2016

Congratulations to Dongliang Zhao for winning an Outstanding Reviewer Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Journal of Heat Transfer! Zhao is a postdoctoral researcher working in professor Ronggui Yang 's lab. The award was presented to him by the Chair of the ASME Heat Transfer Division at...
