Saraswathi Shukla
Visiting Assistant Professor of Historical Musicology

Visiting Assistant Professor of Historical Musicology Saraswathi (Sara) Shukla earned PhD in musicology with a designated emphasis in Renaissance and early modern studies from UC Berkeley and an AB in History from Princeton University.

Trained as a musicologist, historian and harpsichordist, she studies instrumental music of the 17th and 18th centuries and its revival since the 20th century using a variety of interdisciplinary approaches and methodologies. Her research also explores questions of historiography and cultural politics in the early music movement in Europe and the United States. She is a member of the COST Action, EarlyMuse, which studies the place of early music in Europe.

Shukla has been a lecturer and researcher at the Université de Lorraine. She is the recipient of numerous fellowships and awards including the Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50, two Georges Lurcy Fellowships, the Chateaubriand Fellowship, a DAAD Study Scholarship at the Bach-Archiv in Leipzig and the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music’s Irene Alm Memorial Prize.

Shukla has published in journals such as the Sound Studies Review, Keyboard Perspectives, Eighteenth-Century Music and the Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music. She is frequently invited as a panelist and presenter at national and international conferences. She enjoys collaborating with soloists and ensembles specializing in early music.
