The Office of Contracts and Grants (OCG) is dedicated to supporting our brilliant researchers whose work pushes the envelope of knowledge. We are the bridge between faculty, staff and students and their research funding. 

How we help you

  • Review and approve the submission of proposals for funding
  • Develop compliant and accurate project budgets
  • Negotiate contract and grant awards
  • Monitor the implementation and administration of sponsored projects
  • Provide informational programs for faculty and staff related to sponsored projects
  • Serve as the University’s liaison with sponsors and regulatory agencies
  • Provide learning on demand information for the research community
  • Download an overview and quick guide

Top Topics for Faculty

Whether you have worked with OCG for years or are new to CU Boulder, the following information provides a quick digest and links to your most requested information.

Your Team

OCG staff are assigned by Department. Use the Unit Directory to find your OCG team of Proposal Analyst, Grant Officer, Contract Officer, and Subcontract Officer. You can also use this directory to find contacts for specific topics such as property, travel, reporting and others, along with contacts within your department that provide assistance with sponsored projects.

Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) staff are assigned by sponsor. SPA staff assignments and contact information can be found on the Campus Controller's Office website.

Signing Authority & Authorized Organizational Representative

The Office of Contracts and Grants (OCG) is the University’s authorized representative to submit proposals, negotiate and accept sponsored research agreements, non-disclosure agreements and material transfer agreements on behalf of the Board of Regents. Most sponsored projects proposals and awards go through OCG.

OCG is the University of Colorado Boulder's Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) and is responsible as the Office of Record for the administration of sponsored research agreements and funding on the CU Boulder campus.

Learn more about Signature Authority

Review & Submit Proposal

Finding funding and proposal development begins in the departments and units with the faculty. OCG Proposal Analysts review and approve all proposals, including budgets, and then submit sponsored project proposals on behalf of the University. The Research and Innovation Office can assist you with finding funding resources, and OCG has numerous proposal development and sponsor specific resources

Proposal Submission Form (PSR)

All proposals begin with a Proposal Submission Request (PSR) form, completed and signed by the Principal Investigator (PI) and other key personnel. The PSR collects important proposal-related and compliance-related information in one form. Proposal Analysts will work with PIs toward a final budget that will need PI approval.

You must have your annual Disclosure of Professional Activities (DEPA) up to date prior to submission. Information on how to file the DEPA is available through the Office of Research Integrity's Conflicts of Interest and Commitment Office (COIC).

Proposal Analysts are assigned by department and can be found in the OCG Directory.

5 Business Days

OCG’s deadline for a PI to submit for review the PSR form, budget, and budget justification is five (5) full business days before the sponsor’s deadline date and time. This allows for comprehensive review and timely submission.

Watch a short video about the 5 Day Rule.

Compliance Verifications

Prior to proposal submission, OCG Proposal Analysts review PSRs and proposals for a broad range of research compliance areas, including conflict of interest (DEPA), export controls, animal care and use (IACUC), human subjects (IRB), and others. For most proposals, with the exception of the DEPA which must be current at the time of submission, approvals for other compliance areas are not required until an award is made.

More information is available for these compliance areas:

Intellectual Property

Faculty investigators need to manage intellectual property rights associated with their inventions as they collaborate with multiple industry partners. For intellectual property assistance, questions and management issues, contact Jennifer Wunsch, Assistant University Counsel & Intellectual Property Manager. 

Awards, Outgoing Subcontracts and Non-Financial Award Management

OCG’s Grant and Contract Officers review, negotiate, and accept all award agreements (funded and non-funded) and assist you with ongoing award management, award modifications, sponsor approval requests, and extensions. When an award includes an outgoing subcontract to collaborators both nationally and internationally, our OCG Subcontract Officers will work with you and the subcontractor to review, negotiate, and execute the outgoing subcontract. 

Additional OCG resources:

Property, Travel, Reporting & Closeout Help

OCG's Compliance Officers provide expertise and guidance in regulatory requirements related to:

Financial Award Management

Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) reports to the Campus Controller’s Office and oversees financial administration of sponsored research for CU Boulder, directly managing accounts for Restricted Funds 30 and 31. Grant Accountants are assigned by sponsor/agency. 

PI Departure from CU Boulder

When a Researcher’s relationship with the University of Colorado Boulder changes, considerations must be made to several aspects of their affiliation with the campus. Consideration has to be given to designated lab space, property, compliance, personnel assignments, and sponsored projects. Researcher’s who are transferring to a different organization must engage with several campus units to obtain the necessary approvals prior to any transfer of a sponsored project or university/sponsor owned property.  Departing PI Resources