In February 2013, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy issued its policy memorandum, “Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research.” The memo directed each federal agency that annually funds more than $100 million in research and development to develop a plan in support of easier and more widespread public access to the results of this research, “specifically to scholarly publications and digital data resulting from such research,” according to the memo.

The following list provides links to department or agency websites for their Public Access Plans and to their respective repositories for peer-reviewed journal articles. Managing Federal Grants has 20 detailed chapters on all significant grants management topics for additional detail and information.

Public Access Plan
Repository: PubMed Central

Public Access Plan
Repository: PubMed Central

HHS - Preparedness & Response
Public Access Plan
Repository: PubMed Central

Interior (U.S. Geological Survey)
Public Access Plan
Repository: USGS Publications Warehouse

Public Access Plan
Repository: Stacks

Veterans Affairs
Public Access Plan
Repository: PubMed Central

Public Access Plan
Repository: PubMed Central

Public Access Plan
Repository: NSF-Public Access Repository (NSF-PAR)

Smithsonian Institution
Public Access Plan
Repository: Smithsonian Research Online

U.S. Agency on International Development
Public Access Plan
Repository: Development Experience Clearinghouse