The Office of Contracts and Grants (OCG) has access to a number of rooms to host meetings, trainings or events. Below is a list of rooms OCG employees can schedule and the title of the room in the Outlook Calendar.

Conference Room 446*
Conference Room 4th Floor Lobby
Conference Room 448
Conference Room 346**

Title of Room on Calendar

* Rooms 446 is owned by CCO.

**Room 346 is owned by HR. The contact is Ross Anderson.

The following documents provide how to guidance to open a room calendar and schedule a room in Outlook.

Open Room Calendar and Schedule a Meeting Room in Outlook

There RL2 building (just southwest of the ARC building) has rooms available for scheduling. The following three rooms can be requested by contacting Janet Walker.

  • Conference Room 320 (holds 10)
  • Conference Room 321 (holds 14)
  • Conference Room 158 (holds 20-25)

In addition, RL2 Rooms 153-155 can hold up to 12 alone or combined to hold 24-30 people. This room is owned by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and can be requested through

There are a number of rooms that we can reserve on campus, including the UMC, JILA, Wolf Law, Kittredge, C4C, Williams Village and the SEEC buildings.

Costs or catering requirements often come into play with these rooms or buildings. Please reach out Jessica Trowbridge or visit On-Campus Scheduling for guidance in scheduling rooms in other campus buildings.